Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Yea my BCM started laying. She took her time. Hatched in March and laying in JAN is that normal? Mammie has nice colored eggs and has layed 6 out of 7 days. But she has too much straw color.
Yea my BCM started laying. She took her time. Hatched in March and laying in JAN is that normal? Mammie has nice colored eggs and has layed 6 out of 7 days. But she has too much straw color.
I am Oh So Happy to hear this! I have one BCM girl who was born 1st of April-- she STILL has not started laying-- but now I have hope!!:D
Sometimes if a girl reaches her POL in the fall, they will hold off laying til the following spring. Just one of those things. Don't despair, it will happen! They have little minds of their own....its a good thing they're worth it, eh?
Saw Dr. Oz the other day and we got some b12... so we will see what happens with that.

Docs are still not getting the right tests done. T3 and T4 are stored hormones, what they need to test for is FREE T3 and FREE T4. The free T3 is the useable hormone in the blood stream that converts the T4 into more useable Free T3. Without the FREE you can build up too much in storage, and then you get to a REVERSE T3 and T4 problem. B complex vitamins, Vitamin D3, and also Selenium all help to convert the T4 to Free T3. If you are a poor converter, as I am, the additional use of synthetic T3 would really help.
Folks, the previous thread was closed due to the bickering that broke out in the last few days. It will remain closed on the forum for our future reference.

This is our second chance - let's ALL work together to make sure this one doesn't end up spiraling downward.

Please remember that there is ALWAYS (did I say ALWAYS) a way to get your point across without being rude, inconsiderate, and/or arrogant. There, I've said it. We all know this breed is fairly new to the U.S. and that until the proposed standard is approved, there will be varying opinions, which is welcomed. Please just put a few seconds of thought in before you his the post button.

I want to add one last additional note - there's not a thing wrong with folks just wanting some pretty birds that lay a gorgeous egg - let's remember that, and not jump all over peeps who just want to learn about this breed & have pretty eggs in their egg baskets. Breeding for show is not for everyone, and it certainly shouldn't be pushed onto someone that's not interested in it.

Okay, post away!!!

This is not the one I have but here is a link

Where can I get a colored egg chart for the eggs? I would love some help on this matter . ~Charm1704
THANK YOU! I bought one!~Charm1704
Yeah its hard to tell with photos sometimes. My two golden cuckoo males have light legs but boy are the in-between-the-toes areas red lol. They think its springtime with the hormones!

I figured out why my big bcm cockeral is such a fat hog. Its because he doesn't share his food with the girls! I saw him eating today, and he actually chased girls away from the food dish as if they were roos. The other roos his age like girls and call them to eat but not him. I've never seen him mate or try to mate the girls either and I've been watching him. He is around 7 mos. Shouldn't he like girls by now?

Hmm, he sounds like my Pip and Blue Butt. Is he a snot to you?? All of the other roos here are nice to me and to all the ladies. They all call the girls up for treats too, the two nasties don't!
Mornin Debbi! I see you there

I haven't been around much the last few days when anyone else is on.

Mornin' Miss Vicki!!

My mission is going well! Still need to get those chick pics for you! Gees, they are getting so big!

Donna ~ Dang it! So sorry for your loss!! My bator had an issue with the humidity yesterday, hope I got it squared away, chicks due to hatch this weekend.
Mornin' Miss Vicki!!

My mission is going well! Still need to get those chick pics for you! Gees, they are getting so big!

Donna ~ Dang it! So sorry for your loss!! My bator had an issue with the humidity yesterday, hope I got it squared away, chicks due to hatch this weekend.

Awesome...glad its going well. Are you gathering pictures and dates of purchase and such from people or anything to go with it?

I just read Donna's post too while I was catching up! I'm sorry you lost your babies! Hope the new part you get will really work for you and last a long time!

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