Well today is Day 21! I set 11 eggs. 9 made it into lockdown. I have 8 chicks as of this morning.... Including all 6 CCLB with the wonky air cells! Yay! The only holdout is an egg that came from one of my girls. It was alive going into lockdown so I'm not sure if something happened or it is just late. Not a single pip on it yet.... I will wait until tomorrow before candling it again.
More fun with the color genetics mystery behind my rooster. The breeder confirmed that she has had recessive white pop up this/last year in her Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana flock. So, presumably, he is wheaten under his white. My Olive Egger appears to come from a CCL and Welsummer background, as she has a straight comb and yellow legs but lays green eggs. Her color is a reddish (think darker than buff but lighter than a RIR) columbian type pattern with some incomplete lacing. Of the four eggs I hatched from this combo, two are feathering in white and two in a partridge-ish pattern (they're only 5/6 days old, so only the wings are coming in so far). By my thinking, this shouldn't be a sex-linked cross, and it seems unlikely that the hen would ALSO be carrying recessive white. I'm super curious now to see how these chicks feather in!
Well today is Day 21! I set 11 eggs. 9 made it into lockdown. I have 8 chicks as of this morning.... Including all 6 CCLB with the wonky air cells! Yay! The only holdout is an egg that came from one of my girls. It was alive going into lockdown so I'm not sure if something happened or it is just late. Not a single pip on it yet.... I will wait until tomorrow before candling it again.
Hi TJAnonymous, did your 9th egg hatch?
I'm in kind of a a similar situation, from my 13 bantam silkie eggs 12 hatched on day 20 (2) and 21 (10). Today has been Day 22; I candled the remaining egg and don't have much hope.
Did you candle the egg? If yes how did it look?

From the 15 bantam Brahma x Deutsches Buschhuhn mixes 11 hatched till now (most on day 21); one of the remaining 4 did have an external pip when I checked last. The other 3 I didn't candle because they do have blue and green shells and I can't make out anything with my lightsource.
Here is a picture of the first hatched (Day 21) bB x DB mix-baby 🥰:

Hi TJAnonymous, did your 9th egg hatch?
I'm in kind of a a similar situation, from my 13 bantam silkie eggs 12 hatched on day 20 (2) and 21 (10). Today has been Day 22; I candled the remaining egg and don't have much hope.
Did you candle the egg? If yes how did it look?

From the 15 bantam Brahma x Deutsches Buschhuhn mixes 11 hatched till now (most on day 21); one of the remaining 4 did have an external pip when I checked last. The other 3 I didn't candle because they do have blue and green shells and I can't make out anything with my lightsource.
Here is a picture of the first hatched (Day 21) bB x DB mix-baby 🥰:

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Nope... Pretty sure it is DIS. No pips. I did candle it briefly last night. You can see veins but the entire egg is dark with no movement. I put it back in the incubator and decided I would check it again tonight. Since there's still nothing, I will probably do an eggtopsy.
Nope... Pretty sure it is DIS. No pips. I did candle it briefly last night. You can see veins but the entire egg is dark with no movement. I put it back in the incubator and decided I would check it again tonight. Since there's still nothing, I will probably do an eggtopsy.
Ok thank you ❤️
In my egg I couldn't see any(more) veins, aircell is big and has irregular edges (no pip), then comes kind of an orange ring, then a red ring, then everything is black (the black shape is very irregular). I couldn't make out any movement...I guess in my case there is not much hope 😔
Fingers crossed for when you check on your egg tonight - perhaps you can detect signs of life :fl
Sadly the pipped bB x DB chick didn't make it. The following morning it didn't show any progress and I checked it - saw the little beak in the opening and touched it gently and immediately felt: it is stiff 😔 In kind of a desperate attempt I started to open it as if assisting. But the little one was dead. Yolk sac not fully absorbed, so I assume the chick died already the day before. I will start a thread with pictures to ask for opinions.
Today I took the bB x DB egg with the 'glow' out of the incubator - glow had gotten stronger. I opened it - there was a lot of yolk and a tiny rose embryo, perhaps the little one quitted unfortunately about day 6 or 7.
The completely dark egg is still in the incubator and another egg which looked best of all the remaining eggs (a day ago it seemed sort of veins were detectable), but I have not much hope left.

...And there still is my last bantam silkie egg in the incubator - little number 13...
But I have no more hope regarding it.

Tomorrow I will turn off the incubator and will take the three remaining eggs out.

Nope... Pretty sure it is DIS. No pips. I did candle it briefly last night. You can see veins but the entire egg is dark with no movement. I put it back in the incubator and decided I would check it again tonight. Since there's still nothing, I will probably do an eggtopsy.
Hi TJAnonymous, did you check again your last egg?
I really hope there is/was a happy ending for your egg :fl
7 out of my 11 eggs hatched! Here are the babies as little fluff balls 4 weeks ago and today and a few in between. I think 6 are roos and only 1 hen! I can't tell who's who except for the Del x EE And maybe the Del x Australorp is barred? No clue about the rest's mamas
I've got 11 eggs in my friend's incubator! Delaware rooster over New Hampshire Red, EE, Delaware, Buff Orpington, and Black Australorp. We shall see in about 5 days if some are not fertilized, and in about 20 what comes out!


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7 out of my 11 eggs hatched! Here are the babies as little fluff balls 4 weeks ago and today and a few in between. I think 6 are roos and only 1 hen! I can't tell who's who except for the Del x EE And maybe the Del x Australorp is barred? No clue about the rest's mamas
Beautiful babies/teenagers 🥰 Congrats!
Today I removed the shoes and it seems he doesn't need them anymore:D
But is the only one costantly chirping, it's driving me crazy:barnie I tried lowering the heating plate, then to raise it, I made him drink. I tried to convince him to eat some crumbles, he didn't have enough interest in them, so I wet some and put them in his mouth, he swallowed them happly and I repeated until his crop was quite full, he also pooped, then I made him drink a bit again and he seemed satisfied, it lasted like 2 minutes. Now it's chirping again. I really don't know what he wants:hit

Edit: now he's quiet and makes from time to time happy chick sounds with the others, what a relief:rolleyes:
Just wanted to update about him/her
He's doing very well now, the feet look like he never had curled toes.
After few days wanting to eat only wet feed (I kept trying giving him the dry crumble, but no, he ignored it, the little spoiled chick was in love with the mash 😂 ). I weaned him from the mash by making it every time drier. He's feathering out really well, he's just a bit smaller than the others, but he's active and loves to eat, scratch in the bedding and hop around with the siblings;):D
Just wanted to update about him/her
He's doing very well now, the feet look like he never had curled toes.
After few days wanting to eat only wet feed (I kept trying giving him the dry crumble, but no, he ignored it, the little spoiled chick was in love with the mash 😂 ). I weaned him from the mash by making it every time drier. He's feathering out really well, he's just a bit smaller than the others, but he's active and loves to eat, scratch in the bedding and hop around with the siblings;):D
Awesome! That's such great news :wee
Do you have a picture from him/her?
So glad to hear your little one is doing so well and the feet are totally normal now - great job :thumbsup

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