March Hatch-Along Thread- Come Hatch With Us!!!!!

I don't think I advised you specifically on anything, but I have suggested the longer time without turning before and felt I should own up to that. It works great for me and has saved a lot of babies since I started doing it, but it's like you said...we all have to figure out what works best for each of us. I'm so sorry you had so many problems this go around but again, you're right that it is something that just goes along with artificial incubation. Even the hens don't get it right all the time. Nature can be hard but when you have a successful tend to feel better about the whole thing. I hope next time everything goes as smooth as silk for you. I didn't think you were going after me at all...I know how frustrating it can be to lose chicks and this is the best place there is for venting, learning, and sharing. Don't ever worry about stating your opinion or venting your frustrations here...we are all here for each other!!!
God Bless and good luck with everything!
Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding. It helps so much to have this site and the fellowship of so many other "chicken people". God Bless you too!
My Brinsea has one built in and a humidity pump to keep it steady too. I kept the humidity 40% days 1-7, dropped it to 35% per some suggestions of BYC'ers who said that was kinda high, and then on day 18 I went into lockdown and boosted the humidity to 65% and then 70% when my first ext pip had been pipped for 24 hrs (they hatched late despite steady temp of 99.6 the whole hatch). I thought that was spot on. My Brinsea manual actually recommends 40-45% until lockdown.

The weak one died yesterday and then the one with bad legs (one leg was through the yolk sac and stuck in a weird position and the other foot was slightly curled) died this morning. Despite shoes and leg wraps it's legs just couldn't quite position right and mobility was an issue. It was so strong though (and beautiful too) that we had to try. The three that hatched on their own and had spraddle leg (despite non-slip shelf liner in the bator and brooder) are doing fantastic. I removed their wraps this morning and they are right as rain now. Eating, drinking and pooping healthy. My daughter was desperate for a little paint silkie and when our 24 (BBS, Lavender and Paint) silkie eggs arrived with four marked paint she was pumped. Two of the three that made it were from those 4 eggs and one of the two was an actual paint so she is super excited and I am going to chalk this whole hatch up to "a learning experience" and just be glad that we got 3 out of 24 and she got her paint. Hopefully we will have better luck with our next hatch. :)

Have you verified that the hygrometer and thermometer of your Brinsea are correct? I would calibrate a separate thermometer and hygrometer and then place them inside to see if they match what the Brinsea is saying. I know they are a good incubator but they are still mechanical and can register the wrong readings.I swear by my glass bulb thermometers and analog hygrometers but they still get calibrated before every lockdown in the hatchers. I've had them reading perfectly and then when I go to calibrate the hygrometers they are as much as 10% off!!
Have you verified that the hygrometer and thermometer of your Brinsea are correct? I would calibrate a separate thermometer and hygrometer and then place them inside to see if they match what the Brinsea is saying. I know they are a good incubator but they are still mechanical and can register the wrong readings.I swear by my glass bulb thermometers and analog hygrometers but they still get calibrated before every lockdown in the hatchers. I've had them reading perfectly and then when I go to calibrate the hygrometers they are as much as 10% off!!
I hadn't calibrated because I had just gotten it last month. I read the whole manual and they said they are "individually calibrated during manufacture but may be re-calibrated if required. To ensure optimal performance return the incubator to Brinsea Products Service Dept. for re-calibration every two years. It is not recommended that this procedure is carried out by the user. " Do you think I should call Brinsea and return it for a replacement? I don't want to void the warranty by messing with it when they expressly state not to. Jeepers...I never know what to do. It seems like there is always a tough decision to make no matter what.
I hadn't calibrated because I had just gotten it last month. I read the whole manual and they said they are "individually calibrated during manufacture but may be re-calibrated if required. To ensure optimal performance return the incubator to Brinsea Products Service Dept. for re-calibration every two years. It is not recommended that this procedure is carried out by the user. " Do you think I should call Brinsea and return it for a replacement? I don't want to void the warranty by messing with it when they expressly state not to. Jeepers...I never know what to do. It seems like there is always a tough decision to make no matter what.

all you need to do for now is get you a couple good bulb type thermometers and stick them in there to check and see if they are reading the same as your brisnea. If they are, you're good...if not, might wanna call the manufacturer. Same thing with can buy a hygrometer at Walmart really cheap and see what it reads. Just don't get too discouraged. Sounds like you've spent a good bit of money trying to get the best possible equipment...LUCKY!!! may have just been a fluke and maybe next time you'll get the results you're hoping for! I sure hope so! Maybe you could try and find some really cheap hatching eggs to do a couple test hatches with? I had never heard this before but there is a guy/gal on this thread that hatched out some grocery store eggs! Maybe you should try some and see how it goes before spending a bunch more on high priced silkie eggs. You could always sell the chicks you didn't want to keep. It'll be okay though no matter what you decide...there's a LOT of trial and error involved with incubating. You'll get it!
animaladdictions-you've got me wanting call ducks now! Oh my goodness I just love the bantam whites. Are there any black and white varieties? I might need to find some eggs around here!
animaladdictions-you've got me wanting call ducks now! Oh my goodness I just love the bantam whites. Are there any black and white varieties? I might need to find some eggs around here!

yep...there's black bibbed, magpie, and then some people who don't worry too much about raising pure colors hatch out what I would call a black pied color. They make excellent pets and are real characters! If you wanted some eggs, I could probably set you up with a half dozen or so once my girls start laying again. Just pm me if you're interested. This would be a freebie batch and I'd only charge for shipping. You should definitely get some! I just love mine!!!
all you need to do for now is get you a couple good bulb type thermometers and stick them in there to check and see if they are reading the same as your brisnea. If they are, you're good...if not, might wanna call the manufacturer. Same thing with can buy a hygrometer at Walmart really cheap and see what it reads. Just don't get too discouraged. Sounds like you've spent a good bit of money trying to get the best possible equipment...LUCKY!!! may have just been a fluke and maybe next time you'll get the results you're hoping for! I sure hope so! Maybe you could try and find some really cheap hatching eggs to do a couple test hatches with? I had never heard this before but there is a guy/gal on this thread that hatched out some grocery store eggs! Maybe you should try some and see how it goes before spending a bunch more on high priced silkie eggs. You could always sell the chicks you didn't want to keep. It'll be okay though no matter what you decide...there's a LOT of trial and error involved with incubating. You'll get it!
Thank you so much for your advice! It truly is very helpful. I am blessed to have been able to treat myself to the incubator I really wanted. I waited over a year trying to find a used one and when I couldn't, I skipped my Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's and Anniversary gifts from my hubby to splurge for the one I really wanted (and I had a great coupon code plus it was on sale-WOOT!). It was pretty disappointing to have my first hatch in it so unsuccessful. (Not to mention my hubby got to point out what a waste the "good incubator I wanted" seemed to be if it wasn't in fact something I did or the shipped eggs). He isn't mean, but he doesn't share my level of enthusiasm or understand why I wanted such a good one. He thought it was a waste of money and couldn't resist the "I told you so" and he didn't mean to upset me but I already felt bad enough and it made me want to know WTHeck happened even more. (He is a cheapskate unless it comes to guns, bows or other hunting equipment. lol) We travel to see his family a lot for long weekends and I wanted a "set it and forget it" system so I wouldn't worry about humidity and turning while I was gone.

I am trying not to be too discouraged. I just hate potential fluffy butts dying while I work this out. That is the hardest part for me but I also know it is a necessary evil. I don't plan to stop raising chickens anytime soon and shipped eggs are still the least expensive way to introduce disease free and potential SQ birds to my flock. Working this out is a must. I have had great success hatching with my broody hens but didn't want to risk expensive eggs in case it was the one time a broody abandoned a nest or something so I had waited for the bator.

I have a batch of my own silkie eggs going right now as a test and will post back here the results. Great minds think alike. ;) Time will tell and if the same thing happens again I will contact the company. I will sell the extra chicks (providing they hatch out okay). I really do appreciate the advice and even more, the support. God Bless
I know EXACTLY what you're going through where the hubby's concerned. If it were up to my hubby, all my birds would be gone! He has absolutely zero interest in them and it stinks!
He has helped me build my coops and stuff but it's like pulling teeth to get him to. Once he gets one finished I praise him on what a great job he did...hoping it will help with the next "favor" I ask him for. LOL It would be like heaven on earth if mine loved the birds like I do!

God Bless you too! Let us know how this next batch does! Come over to the April hatch thread! We're all over there!

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