

Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
My poor Red, my 5 month old Welsummer cockerel, is really in a bad way right now. :(

A week ago today I moved him into his own pen because he had been limping for a few days and wasn’t getting better, started limping worse/holding a leg up, etc. and so I thought being in a smaller coop with no roost would help so he wouldn’t injure himself further jumping off the roost.

I really thought that it was just an injury. A sprain or broken leg even because he’s a bit over enthusiastic with his mating and the girls hate him and come to each other’s defense. So my first thought was that he just had a bad beatdown with the girls and should recover.

He was limping and holding it up but trying to put weight on it. Still crowing, eating, drinking, etc.

Soooo..... should get better, right? After a few days or a week of rest, I’m sure he will improve.

Except..... he’s not.

He’s worse.

It has now spread to both legs and he can barely stand up or move. Toes occasionally curling when he’s laying down. He doesn’t seem to be able to spread his legs out fully and kind of falls when he tries to walk. Holding his wings out to steady him. His comb is darkening. I saw a green poop (and some other normal looking ones.

I am now very concerned about Marek’s.

I was hoping that it was a vitamin deficiency or something showing similar symptoms since I’ve read toe curling and lameness can be from that but I’m really starting to doubt it with his other symptoms and especially considering he is not vaccinated. :(

My dad and brother read a few articles and are now convinced he has it and that we should just cull him ASAP like tonight or tomorrow but I want to know for sure this is what it is before we do anything. Especially since it’s likely already spread to the rest of the flock. But at the same time, I do not want him to suffer which I’m afraid he is given he can barely walk.

But he is still crowing and devoured his food for 20 minutes straight earlier when I put it in front of him. So he still has an appetite and little spark. But he also barely moves and mostly stays where you place him and seems a little depressed.

And I am worried he will contaminate my other two non vaccinated birds.

Anyways, is this for sure Marek’s??? And if so, is culling him the only option??? Does he have any chance of recovery? If so, I’d like to give him a chance since he is a strong boy. But if there’s no chance or that is a stupid idea, I am willing to cull him even though it’s hard and I’ve never done it before. I don’t want him to suffer but also don’t want to rush to conclusions. Does he have to be dead to test him????

Thank you in advance.
I’m also concerned with how rapidly it is progressing. He seemed fine until just the last couple days and especially today.

First 3 pictures are from Wednesday. You can see he was at least able to stand still even if he didn’t want to much. Now he seems totally unable to even fully stand. :(

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Okay, thanks. He wasn’t really bad until today. :(
If he does indeed have Marek's disease you other birds already have been exposed. It's every where.
Youur chicks have already been's carried on your clothes.
They should be fine since they were vaccinated.
It isn't the end of the world, just only bring home vaccinated chicks from now on.
(if it is Marek's which I'd bet money it is) don't need to put that much food in front of one bird.
Most of it is going to get wasted...scattered every where.
One cup worth is enough for just him.
Well, I had it in the feeder but then it was clogged up so I took it out. Gonna go give him a smaller amount though.

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