Marks under the skin?


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
I'm aware that its considered normal for silkies, or perhaps simply hens in general, to sometimes have bald patches beneath? Right, well that isn't concerning me. What is, as I picked her up today, to check her over I noticed a slightly red patch beneath her skin, only tiny but misshapen. It doesn't seem lumpy or anything like that but something along the lines of a blood blister perhaps, it doesn't look angry or the skin ugly, just a red smear, no bigger than a five cent coin, if that? I'm not too worried at this stage but ill watch it.

Tomorrow, as she's been broody for a satisfactory amount of time, will she be okay to have a few chicks?

It doesn't seem serious yet. Any thoughts?

I think it just may be a bid of rubbing from her bedding on her skin...we're going to be changing it soon.
Perhaps it is just a bruise. They do tend to tussle and bump into things when startled. If she is broody sometimes when they come off the nest to eat and poop the others do hassle them from time to time. Wait and see, but it shouldn't interfere with her raising chicks.

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