Marsh maner: happy healthy flock stories

Dec 20, 2021
I saw this around BYC so i wanted to join. The first story i will share is why we use brooders. One day my brother was at soccer practice and mydad was picking him up. I was in my room blasting music. I had a plastic bin with chicks in it. I also had a hound in the kitchen with the chicks. The heat lamp was sitting on a ladder. Time skip my dad came home. I went out and greeted him. He had chipotle with him. He opened the kitchen door and smoke flew out. He looked at me and asked what happened. I had no clue so i said that. My dad looked into the kitchen and ran inside. He grabbed the chick bin. all the bird started falling out the bottom. The bin bursted into flames. As the last chick fell out. That chick is rush she is a happy healthy hen now. But she did get burnt. Thats why we use brooders now. More storys later.

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