Marvel's The Avengers RP


Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

First off, thank you @TheWasp For sharing this idea with me!
Photo courtesy of @Isabella5Storm3

This is my first time making a role play yall so bear with me.

We are going to set it up as the avengers in the tower after a mission.

Character archive article:

Spreadsheet of available characters and taken ones(Thank you @Isabella5Storm3):

To join please post on my, @Isabella5Storm3, or @Patiocoturnix profile or PM one of us with who you want to be. (This way we dont clog up the thread with non RPing chatter) If you're character has already been taken please choose another character.

Have fun!
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Here's what we have so far:

Hope looked tired as she sat on the stool. She was drinking some water while fiddling with her suit. It was starting to rain and thunder. "Darnit.." she muttered as her hand slipped.

*Tony tooks at her while taking off his suit*
Raining pretty hard again
*wind blows hard

She looks up, "I suppose it is."
A jolt of electricity sparks from her wrist. "Yeow!"
Hope grumbles and messes with the gadget.

"You ok hope?" Tony says

"I'm fine. The pym particles are acting up." Hope says

"Want me to take a look? Asks Tony

"No. You're not allowed."
Hope rolls her eyes.

"Alrighty then"
Tony starts working on new blasters for his suit

Hope yelps and shrinks as her suit shocks her.
"Not again!"

*Tony looks over his shoulder at her*
"gosh Hope be careful!"

Hope taps her buttons, to her dismay, they aren't working.
"I've got this.."

Tony's hand slips and he accidentally cuts his other hand with a screwdriver

Hope flies over, "Are you okay?

Yeah, just a cut
*Tony walks over to the sink to rinse off his hand"

Hope lands on the table and fiddles with her suit.

Tony goes back to his desk and continues working on his suit


Tony stands up quickly, looking concerned
"What was that?!"

"Did the Hulk lose his peanut butter?" Hope says

Tony chuckles
"Well let's hope check it out"

Hope flies onto his shoulder.
(boom its.... hydra?))

Tony looks outside
"Well this isn't good"
Tony suits up
Oohhhh, good idea, im not up to date on the latest movies after they started getting bad but i've seen up to Endgame and a few new ones.
May i join and be Hawk Eye?
I'm not going to be able to RP till i get home in the 1st week of August so picking a less popular one is prolly i good thing for me.
Approved. I haven't seen after endgame either or even everything before so no worries.
Oohhhh, good idea, im not up to date on the latest movies after they started getting bad but i've seen up to Endgame and a few new ones.
May i join and be Hawk Eye?
I'm not going to be able to RP till i get home in the 1st week of August so picking a less popular one is prolly i good thing for me.
approved! Hawkeye is my second favorite avenger!!

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