Mass Sudden Death!!


13 Years
Feb 5, 2011
Lake Crystal, MN
I have mixed flock of 10 Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys, 5 Naragansett Turkeys, 24 Partridge Chanteclers, 9 Buff Orpingtons, 14 Silver Laced Wyandottes. Everybody was fine yesterday. I went out to feed this morning and ALL of my Chanteclers and Orpingtons were DEAD!! Everyone else seems just like they were yesterday. There was no warning signs at all. No bad stools, lethargy....nothing out of the ordinary. I have no Idea what could have happened. And why just the 2 breeds? Anybody got any ideas? The chanteclers and orpingtons both came from different private breeders in different states. All of my surviving breeds came from a hatchery in Iowa. Stumped!!
Does anyone know what would be best.
What is their age? What do you feed? How did you find them? where, what position? Any pics? Is the coop locked up at night?

Weasel type bites can be hard to detect.

To me the biggest culprit would be a predator.

So sorry for your loss! :hugs
I’ve recently learned and heard of gnats being deadly to chickens. Unclear if it’s bite related or airway clogging related.

Sorry about your loss.
the gnats have been attrocious here lately. I found them all this morning in one corner of my coop /building. no signs of struggle like from a weasel or coon or anything.
I have mixed flock of 10 Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys, 5 Naragansett Turkeys, 24 Partridge Chanteclers, 9 Buff Orpingtons, 14 Silver Laced Wyandottes. Everybody was fine yesterday. I went out to feed this morning and ALL of my Chanteclers and Orpingtons were DEAD!! Everyone else seems just like they were yesterday. There was no warning signs at all. No bad stools, lethargy....nothing out of the ordinary. I have no Idea what could have happened. And why just the 2 breeds? Anybody got any ideas? The chanteclers and orpingtons both came from different private breeders in different states. All of my surviving breeds came from a hatchery in Iowa. Stumped!!
Are you going to do a necropsy or have one done? With the massive loss you've suffered it might be a good idea to find out for sure. I'm so sorry this happened, NOT what you had planned for today, huh? :hugs

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