Massive meat spot?

The White Lily

In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2020
Found this one in an egg this evening. It was horrifying! The rest of the egg looked okay, and I’d cracked it straight into the cake bowl—so I just dug it out and cooked on. Still, ick. :/ It’s greyish and irregular with a solid, rubbery feel to it and a very smooth slick outside, about a cm roundish.

I think it’s my Wyandotte who is only a new layer. Hoping it’s a getting started issue, not something I’m likely to see again. 🤞🏻

Anyone else had big inclusions like this?

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What’s an immature ova? Ovum? Did you mean like an egg inside an egg? Looks meaty to me. :/
It does look meaty.
Hopefully that's the last one you see.

An ova is what grows into a yolk, sometimes they release before getting large and yellow. sometimes with part of the follicle still wrapped around it.

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