Mating questions.


7 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Welsh Harlequin pair appear to be getting along REALLY well.
They mate several times a day. I observed them several times and here is what I see: They both start head bobbing, the female lays down, stretches out her neck and flattens her back and starts honking. The males mounts, holds on to her neck and it over in several seconds. Immediately after, he RUNS with his head down for a couple minutes and then returns to normal behavior.

Does this sound like normal mating? Does it really only take a few seconds? Also these two were hatched last spring in 2012 and the female has not yet started laying, which I know is typical. How do I know if he is being too rough with her? She doesn't ever protest, in fact she seems to be the one initiating it. Anyone else watch this happen? Maybe I am way too bored and need to find something else to do with my time.
Seems normal mating to me! It is usually over within a few seconds and it is rough how he pulls her head feathers with his beak. Has the roo got more females to mate with? Hens can get overmated if he mates with her relentlessly.
Sounds like standard behavior. Most of what I know is what I have read here, since we have only had a drake for a few months.

But this week, Bean started responding to Romy's intense flirting. Looks pretty much like what you describe.

Watch your duck (female) to make sure she doesn't start looking bedraggled, walking funny, running from the drake, hiding, limping, etc. Some ducks work beautifully as pairs. With others the best ratio of drake to duck is 1 to 3 or even 1 to 6. Sometimes drakes must be - umm - sent away one way or another. But I hate that thought. Still, you are responsible for her health and well being.

It is too early to tell if there will be any problems, but I hope you have a pair that will be a happy couple for many years.
Thanks! Our other drake was a Khaki Campbell and those two were PERFECT! But these two seem to have bonded quite well. She is the bossy one though. He seems to not bother her unless she is starts it. But I will keep an eye out for any signs.

Is is normal for the drake to grab a hold of the back of the neck like that? I know for balance purposes they might have to, but gosh darn it, it looks like it would HURT.
Seems normal mating to me! It is usually over within a few seconds and it is rough how he pulls her head feathers with his beak. Has the roo got more females to mate with? Hens can get overmated if he mates with her relentlessly.

No. No other females. Yet. Maybe I should look into that.....
Thanks! Our other drake was a Khaki Campbell and those two were PERFECT! But these two seem to have bonded quite well. She is the bossy one though. He seems to not bother her unless she is starts it. But I will keep an eye out for any signs.

Is is normal for the drake to grab a hold of the back of the neck like that? I know for balance purposes they might have to, but gosh darn it, it looks like it would HURT.
A friend once told me "poultry sex is brutal." And waterfowl sex can be, too. There is the standard feather grabbing, but some drakes are rough and can denude the duck's neck. Just watch out for her and if she shows any signs that he's being too rough, separate them.

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