MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Welp, I ended up candling the quail eggs last night because I needed room for some more quail eggs my mother bought. 23 out of 75 were ether infertile (totally clear) or really early quitters (tiny amounts of development, but no real anything). One of those 24 was rotten, I'm talking grey, goooey, crushed the second I tried to remove from the turner and woohoo did it stink. The four eggs around it were three normal developers and one clear. I also candled the welsummer eggs again since it's past 10 days. Out of 12, 8 were clears :/ 4 were developing strong, though, so fingers crossed! My meat chicken eggs, out of the 10 (of 15) who arrived unbroken, only four have developed anything...which is not entirely unexpected considering the actual packaging was crushed at one corner and one egg was shattered and had dribbled over all the good eggs in the two days they took to get to me. Stupid postage. I've emailed the seller about getting new ones since the box was priority and, therefore ensured and she forgot to write the words "fragile" and "Hatching Eggs" on the outsided of the box...

I now have all quail eggs in one bator, 6 new duck eggs, 15 more quail eggs, and 15 button quail eggs (my mom is obsessed with them and now that my father knows I'm hatching, she brought me some to hatch for can you imagine pickled button quail eggs? So cute). I have Cayuga eggs, pekin eggs, 12 duck eggs, and 12 muscovy eggs coming and my mom and I are heading to pick up 4 dozen coturnix/texas AM quail eggs this saturday. I guess I better finish my mini fridge bator and pulg it in this week xD
get a usps refund? just take images of the box and the reciept and do it online see the doc file for info on geting refunds

Shipped Eggs = Change Of Plans! post #53845
HOWTOREQUESTANDSHIPEGGSSallySunshineWay.docx 940k .docx file
Unpacking-USPSReimbursementsSHIPPEDEGGS.pdf 561k .pdf file
COLD? REQUESTING HEAT PACKS discussion post #32219
Heat packs for shipping animals/etc

My meat birds got here! Cross your fingers the bantam Cochin and all for that matter are ok! Picking them up now!
Everyone was alive and healthy as soon as I put them in the brooder they headed straight for the food and water. All are healthy and energetic! My little bantam Cochin is freakin adorable and is super big compared to my seramas!
anyways I am super pleased with Ideal Hatchery!
Everyone was alive and healthy as soon as I put them in the brooder they headed straight for the food and water. All are healthy and energetic! My little bantam Cochin is freakin adorable and is super big compared to my seramas!
anyways I am super pleased with Ideal Hatchery!
they are big and ummmm MEATIE!!! bawahhahaaaaa
Not hatched by me but our farm store chick order came in today 2 Turkeys (Thansgiving and Christmas)
5 chicks (2 leghorns one white one brown, 1 Brahma, 1 NH Red, 1 Plymouth Rock) and our first ever 2 ducks (1 Mallard 1 Rouen)

Everyone was alive and healthy as soon as I put them in the brooder they headed straight for the food and water. All are healthy and energetic! My little bantam Cochin is freakin adorable and is super big compared to my seramas!
anyways I am super pleased with Ideal Hatchery!
@Farmer Viola , Congrats on the hatch!! Chick pics please!

@wabbit1964 , Adorable! I can't wait till I get some ducklings. What kind of turkeys did you get?

@shahtir101 , Glad to hear everyone arrived safely! Those little cochins are adorable!

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