MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Congrats to all the new chicken/turkey/duck/bird Mamas!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise. An adorable golden quail hatchling! I didn't have high hopes for any of the quail eggs. They just didn't look right. Well, one little one decided to prove me wrong, and hatched during the night!!
3 eggs in incubator that I saved. Broody hen got up to care for her 1 chick. 1 of the eggs is pipped internally. the other 2 look like they have a week more to go. I put them in the bator with the turkey eggs due to hatch on thursday. Would it be ok to increase humidity in there until this little chick hatches? Any suggestions?

We have another broody sitting on 13 eggs. She is in her own inclosure.
WARNING: Cuteness overload!
Mama - White Phoenix








Fluffy butted Cochin babies!

Two eggs still under but no pips or sounds. I'll give them another 24 hours.

Hoping to have some chicks in the next couple of days. A dozen FCBM's, and the other dozen eggs are mixed between Ameraucana's, FCBM's, and FCBM-Ameraucana crosses.

This is only our second attempt to hatch eggs. A couple of months ago, we hatched 8/12 (7 lived) Buff Orp's, and 11/12 (10 lived) barnyard mixed eggs.

Just put the incubator on lockdown yesterday evening.

Here's hoping!

Me too! One is rocking! Good luck to both of us!!

Okay, Sally, here's the news you never thought you'd see. 
I just set a dozen RSL eggs, all from my girls.
Is 21 days up yet?  :lau
@Sally Sunshine

:oops: Has Florida had a snow storm?
@mlm Mike and @Sally Sunshine Update on my eggs for the May hatch-a-long - Things changed early for me because both of my eggs orders shipped within a week of each other. I set one of my orders and @Saris set the others for me. The eggs I set came from Papas Poultry. I ordered 10 eggs, he sent me 17 and on day 7 I only had 9 showing life. I left most of the others in and I will candle again tomorrow (day 10) before I pull any more out. The ones I am incubating are silver laced orpingtons, lavender cuckoo orpingtons and chocolate orpingtons. @Saris is incubating Barnevelders and Jubilee orpingtons for me from Northwoods Poultry. Have a great day :)
Hi guys sorry I'm late to the party. I could not catch up with the posts so I had to skip them. Time seems short these days. The incubator is full and locked down for two eggs that should be due today. Nothing so far no signs of life but I could clearly see veins in one last night. The other may have quit I'm not sure. After last weekend's disaster I'm not pulling any eggs to eggtopsy until a day or two after hatch.

In the mean time the rest of the incubator is full and I should have chicks hatching again in several days and into next weekend after that things calm down quite a bit.

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