MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

We have Silkies!! So far we have 4 yellowish ones and 2 blackish ones, and a few more pipped. The first little black hatched has really bad splayed legs. And one of the yellow ones was an assisted hatch - I was a nervous wreck but got it done. He pipped on the pointy end, and was positioned in such a way that his head would only go one way, and he already had that hole pecked - just couldn't get his head moved to chip away at the rest of it. He's got curled feet. So I need to get the vet wrap back out and wrap them.
I am so happy you got some chicks for her! So cute! Looks like a couple of paint chicks too.
We have Silkies!! So far we have 4 yellowish ones and 2 blackish ones, and a few more pipped. The first little black hatched has really bad splayed legs. And one of the yellow ones was an assisted hatch - I was a nervous wreck but got it done. He pipped on the pointy end, and was positioned in such a way that his head would only go one way, and he already had that hole pecked - just couldn't get his head moved to chip away at the rest of it. He's got curled feet. So I need to get the vet wrap back out and wrap them.
Came home from my daughters award ceremony to cheeping
. It's only day 19! Guess even thought I calibrated my thermostats they still ended up being off a little. But I've got a baby coming :weee

He looks to of pipped a little low but seems to be doing fine. No other pips but lots of rocking. I can't wait to see what they look like! It's a barnevelder roo over and black sex link hen. 10/16 (I think it was 16) made it to lock down. All but one leghorn egg never developed and the one that did quit around day 14.

Finally got the photo embedding to work on my phone. Here's one of our Russian Orloff embryos at day 9. I have a really cool video too, but no idea how to upload that.
Nice! I believe videos need to be on youtube or vimeo to embed.

Looks like I have 4 ducklings out.. A couple chocolate, a blue and I think a lilac, I'm thinking about keeping those last two.
The last two ducks I kept are big enough to to hang with the flock during the day so that is nice that they are getting along!

I just hatched one Silkie so far from my eggs... Most of the other eggs have been horribly malpositioned probably because they didn't loose enough moisture... Not even a pip. It is a very chill little chick though. It is still in the incubator and doesn't make a sound. I have given it vitamin water but I should probably feed it soon.

My first broody of the season has still been in a little coop with her babies and went broody again! I put 5 Silkie eggs under her, she is a good little mama!

We have Silkies!! So far we have 4 yellowish ones and 2 blackish ones, and a few more pipped.

The first little black hatched has really bad splayed legs. And one of the yellow ones was an assisted hatch - I was a nervous wreck but got it done. He pipped on the pointy end, and was positioned in such a way that his head would only go one way, and he already had that hole pecked - just couldn't get his head moved to chip away at the rest of it. He's got curled feet. So I need to get the vet wrap back out and wrap them.

Congratulations! Good luck with the splayed legs.

Came home from my daughters award ceremony to cheeping
. It's only day 19! Guess even thought I calibrated my thermostats they still ended up being off a little. But I've got a baby coming

He looks to of pipped a little low but seems to be doing fine. No other pips but lots of rocking. I can't wait to see what they look like! It's a barnevelder roo over and black sex link hen. 10/16 (I think it was 16) made it to lock down. All but one leghorn egg never developed and the one that did quit around day 14.

I have 2 chicks! Next ones hatch in 4 days!
Congratulations! and good luck with the next ones!
Well, some of my now 14 broodies have begun to hatch their chicks.

Broody #1 is a 2 year old Cuckoo Marans, her first hatch ever. She abandoned her chicks after hatch. I was able to save 2.

Broody #2 is a repeat broody, white marans. She managed to have 3 live chicks, but it looked like she smushed about 5 others. They are free ranging wherever they want to. She is not a very good mother.

Broody #3 is a first time BCM's. She hatched 5 chicks and is a great mom. She is with the flock, but takes the chicks to a chicken tractor at night.

Broody #4 is a white marans. She is a repeat mother and the best one I have so far. She hatched 9 chicks in my feed room and has since moved them in with the flock. She free ranges with them and takes them in the woods to scratch and peck.

Broody #5 is a BCM's. She may be a repeat from last year. She has hatched 5 chicks also in the feed room, but so far is not convinced to move them.

Broody #6 is poop board broody. She has 2 chicks up on the poop board with her and is insisting on continuing to sit on the eggs she has left. I have given them food and water up there, but wondering if she plans for them to stay there until they are grown. They are with the main flock in the hen house.

Broody # 7 is a blue copper marans in the marans pen. They are not being nice to her at all and yesterday, she must of hatched a first chick and the others ate it. I don't have anywhere to move her to and besides she is under the pen. This one is is ...

Broody #8. She is sitting in a built in egg box in the main hen house and clearly has rotten eggs under her. I am just going to have to intervene on this one whenever the deluge stops. She still has a bunch of eggs under her, but it stinks bad. Not looking forward to this.

Broodys #9 and 10 are in the feed room. #9 is due any day. #10 has a week or more.

Broody # 11 is under the poop board in the marans pen. She is a black copper marans and fiercer than #7. I hope she will defend her chicks when they hatch.

Broodys #12 is an awesome mother. She is a little EE. I don't think she has moved since she started this. Her name is Survivor because she has used up at least 7 lives already. She was rejected by her mother and left for dead last year, but now she is being the mother she didn't have.

Broodys #13 and #14 are SFH's. #13 had been sitting about 3 days in the covered cat box when #14 decided that looked like a good thing to do. So they are squeezed in the cat box together sitting on no telling how many eggs. There should be a bunch of little SFH's under these ladies because I am getting no eggs from that group currently.

27  chicks from broodys so far and I'm not 1/2 way done.   
holy broodies ! Good luck!!

In some ways it's cool. In other ways it's a PIA!

My feed room has over reactive hens in it, I can't get to or do anything without a bunch of drama. Broody poop stinks. My egg business is shot and I have to deal with getting the rotten eggs out because it SMELLS SO BAD!

One broody would probably be fun. 14 is a bit over the top.

Thanks and here is todays photos just a few.


Day 21! I had to leave for work but I left with 1 external pip out of 6 eggs. Hoping I come home to some babies!
Father is an EE. Eggs are 1 from Australorp/Marans mix, 2 from Blue Marans, 3 from Red Ranger.
The Australorp/Marans egg is the one pipped!
good luck With the rest!

Lol, thank you for all the well wishes!

They are Lavender Orpingtons :) Our daughter is two and calls them her purple chickens. She already wants to name one Periwinkle (Tinkerbell's sister's name), so they might all have Disney fairy names, lol!

She's home with me during the day and sleeping like a newborn for the past week, so there's a good chance she'll see them hatch as long as I don't make any first time hatching mistakes.

Yayyyy purple chickies!!!

Looks like I have 4 ducklings out.. A couple chocolate, a blue and I think a lilac, I'm thinking about keeping those last two. ;) The last two ducks I kept are big enough to to hang with the flock during the day so that is nice that they are getting along!

I just hatched one Silkie so far from my eggs... Most of the other eggs have been horribly malpositioned probably because they didn't loose enough moisture... Not even a pip. It is a very chill little chick though. It is still in the incubator and doesn't make a sound. I have given it vitamin water but I should probably feed it soon.

My first broody of the season has still been in a little coop with her babies and went broody again! I put 5 Silkie eggs under her, she is a good little mama!
good luck!!!!!


Bill called me at work. Couldn't answer because I was on another line. Then he texts this pic

White crested black Polish chicks! There were 5 at the feed store, he's turning around to get the other three. I LOVE that guy!
look at those tops!!

So I now have 11 ducklings
I'm cuddling with them all right now. Pretty sure I was successful in getting them to imprint.

OMgoodness what a sweet pic

All my babies hatched! Number 3 arrived early this morning.I started with 7 eggs. Three never developed. One met an early death but the remaining 3 are doing well. This was our first experience hatching. Great experience.



I added the pen on the left to the brooder/coop on the right and put them on my secured back porch. Note to self, smaller fencing next time to keep chicks in!!!

update on the incubator full of eggs that was due 5/19.... I have lost count but guessing over 25 hatched?

had 3 die during hatch.. Then this morning one hatched and one more is in process of hatching...
from this batch of eggs I culled over 25 eggs that were quitters at various stages.

The 6 silkies were early quitters, I am bummed about the silky eggs. Also had a couple of white eggs that neither of them made it. Oh well will have to go egg shopping for some more eggs to try when I get back from my weekend away with the girl scouts.

Still have a few odd EE eggs from my flock that I stuck in the incubator to test fertility from the new roo.. those are due over the course of next week along with another attempt at 3 turkey eggs from a friends flock. I am not giving up until I get some turkeys to hatch!


Well, some of my now 14 broodies have begun to hatch their chicks.

Broody #1 is a 2 year old Cuckoo Marans, her first hatch ever. She abandoned her chicks after hatch. I was able to save 2.

Broody #2 is a repeat broody, white marans. She managed to have 3 live chicks, but it looked like she smushed about 5 others. They are free ranging wherever they want to. She is not a very good mother.

Broody #3 is a first time BCM's. She hatched 5 chicks and is a great mom. She is with the flock, but takes the chicks to a chicken tractor at night.

Broody #4 is a white marans. She is a repeat mother and the best one I have so far. She hatched 9 chicks in my feed room and has since moved them in with the flock. She free ranges with them and takes them in the woods to scratch and peck.

Broody #5 is a BCM's. She may be a repeat from last year. She has hatched 5 chicks also in the feed room, but so far is not convinced to move them.

Broody #6 is poop board broody. She has 2 chicks up on the poop board with her and is insisting on continuing to sit on the eggs she has left. I have given them food and water up there, but wondering if she plans for them to stay there until they are grown. They are with the main flock in the hen house.

Broody # 7 is a blue copper marans in the marans pen. They are not being nice to her at all and yesterday, she must of hatched a first chick and the others ate it. I don't have anywhere to move her to and besides she is under the pen. This one is is ...

Broody #8. She is sitting in a built in egg box in the main hen house and clearly has rotten eggs under her. I am just going to have to intervene on this one whenever the deluge stops. She still has a bunch of eggs under her, but it stinks bad. Not looking forward to this.

Broodys #9 and 10 are in the feed room. #9 is due any day. #10 has a week or more.

Broody # 11 is under the poop board in the marans pen. She is a black copper marans and fiercer than #7. I hope she will defend her chicks when they hatch.

Broodys #12 is an awesome mother. She is a little EE. I don't think she has moved since she started this. Her name is Survivor because she has used up at least 7 lives already. She was rejected by her mother and left for dead last year, but now she is being the mother she didn't have.

Broodys #13 and #14 are SFH's. #13 had been sitting about 3 days in the covered cat box when #14 decided that looked like a good thing to do. So they are squeezed in the cat box together sitting on no telling how many eggs. There should be a bunch of little SFH's under these ladies because I am getting no eggs from that group currently.

27 chicks from broodys so far and I'm not 1/2 way done.

Thanks and here is todays photos just a few.


Finally got the photo embedding to work on my phone. Here's one of our Russian Orloff embryos at day 9. I have a really cool video too, but no idea how to upload that.

Came home from my daughters award ceremony to cheeping
. It's only day 19! Guess even thought I calibrated my thermostats they still ended up being off a little. But I've got a baby coming

He looks to of pipped a little low but seems to be doing fine. No other pips but lots of rocking. I can't wait to see what they look like! It's a barnevelder roo over and black sex link hen. 10/16 (I think it was 16) made it to lock down. All but one leghorn egg never developed and the one that did quit around day 14.


I have 2 chicks! Next ones hatch in 4 days!
Looks like I have 4 ducklings out.. A couple chocolate, a blue and I think a lilac, I'm thinking about keeping those last two.
The last two ducks I kept are big enough to to hang with the flock during the day so that is nice that they are getting along!

I just hatched one Silkie so far from my eggs... Most of the other eggs have been horribly malpositioned probably because they didn't loose enough moisture... Not even a pip. It is a very chill little chick though. It is still in the incubator and doesn't make a sound. I have given it vitamin water but I should probably feed it soon.

My first broody of the season has still been in a little coop with her babies and went broody again! I put 5 Silkie eggs under her, she is a good little mama!

Quote: X 2 Newly hatched chicks look so cute with their tired looks!

I have 2 chicks! Next ones hatch in 4 days!
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Came home today to 4 Dorkings hatched. One had was zipping and the silkie from last night was still zipping, but not moving. After a while and worried I took out the silkie to see why it wasn't progressing. It died....fully formed but seemed like it couldn't get out all the way. Beak was out and it was half zipped. So then I got concerned about the other Dorking that wasn't moving much. Helped him out of his egg. Fully formed, egg yoke absorbed, just seemed really weak and the inner "skin" on the shell was sticking to him. Down seemed dry, so he wasn't overly sticky, but I had one this am I had to help bc the egg was stuck to his butt by the inner skin of the egg too. Humidity on the 1588 says 60 and internal therm says humidity is I figure somewhere between.

Why is the membrane sticking to my chicks? Now I'm worried I will end up with a bunch of fully formed not hatched chicks again. Still waiting on one silkie and 6 Dorkings to pip. Any suggestions I can do to help at this time?? It is day 21 on the dot. (Set them 3 Friday's ago).
One of the broody's chicks went missing today. :'( poor baby. My husband looked all over and couldn't find it, so we think s/he escaped the run and got lost or was a snack for a snake...

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