MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Pigs are pigs and will will dispose of a dead body........well at least in the movies they will. These weren't 300+ lbs but they were wild hogs. Tusks will slice you open very quickly.

Oh yeah, wouldn't wanna run into one of those.... I'll stick with lil tame uns thanks...
Question on Turkey Poults.... how long after hatching does it take for them to get stability and running around? The first one that hatched is seeming stable on his legs, the 2nd one does a lot of flopping around and ending up on his back. (less than 24 hours old).. Anyone with experience with this?? Ideas? Tips?
Question on Turkey Poults.... how long after hatching does it take for them to get stability and running around? The first one that hatched is seeming stable on his legs, the 2nd one does a lot of flopping around and ending up on his back. (less than 24 hours old).. Anyone with experience with this?? Ideas? Tips?
Check the turkey forum or better yet ask here. Good group of knowledgeable turkey people.

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