MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I put my eggs on lockdown a day early since I won't have time tomorrow. I have 8/16 Silkie eggs left and 5/6 Serama eggs on lockdown.
Quote: OK, I can't think of anything else to do of her. I hope she gets better.
  Really sorry about that second batch, maybe a really great cockerel will come from it. A pair of pullets from each family is good. How many cockerels you thinking of keeping? 

 I won't even ask about the term "roo"
I plan to keep two of the best males from each family. The best two will be used for breeding, and the other two will be "insurance" in case something happens to either of the #1's. I suppose it would have been easier to simply say four... :p

roo?  I will ask.... ???????????????????
I've been told more than once that if you use the term roo around breeders, they won't take you seriously. It's hard to get cooperation from the top breeders if they don't think you're serious. Proper terminology is a must. I can't do this on my own... I need help from the pros. It's not easy earning trust in "the circle", but I have a foot in the door. Fly-by-night breeders of purebreds are a dime a dozen, and they come and go like the wind. Top breeders see it all the time, and they aren't willing to waste time and/or effort on people that aren't serious. They also know there are lots of people in it for a quick buck... and those that won't put in the effort to improve the breed. Terminolgy is one of their cues. Hearing the word "roo" makes them think of a marsupial in Australia. This is a red flag to them, and you'll be lucky to get the time of day after that. Now you know... ;)
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