MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Hello! I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oops, i thought the rules said you have to be hatching anytime this YEAR. i didn't realize it said in MAY. I might be hatching sometime this year from my own silkie but don't know if in May. do i have to drop out of this thread?
I will if you say so,
I can't remember if I said I was joining, but I am! I have lots in the incubator set to hatch May 9th, and I a couple of days ago I added a bunch of my silkie eggs, along withthe first 2 eggs laid by my December hatchery chicks (I call them my teenagers). They were a nice soft green.

With the 10 silkie eggs I set on 4/28, I've had to pull 6 clears. So, I'm having a fertility problem since my silkies went broody. It's funny, I added a rooster - you'd think fertility would increase, with two roosters. From that hatch, I also pulled both cracked eggs I had set, and 2 other beige eggs (not sure which ones they were). I candled Shellee's eggs, I found 6 blood rings, but I haven't actually pulled anything from that incubator just yet.

Good news, today we got 1 green, 2 light pink, and 1 light beige from the teenagers. There are 5 EE , 1 Dominique, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 NH Red, and 1 Black Australorp hens with 1 EE roo. I am not sure who is laying yet. Hopefully they will all start soon. I just want to hatch a few chicks from my EE roo, then I'm getting rid of him. He is WAY too loud. He's super sweet though. I'll set everything they lay as soon as I have some free space in the incubator.

I'm sure I'll be setting more eggs, all through the month of May!

Happy Hatching everyone!

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