MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

So, what qualifies as 'a few' for you

Amazingly, it was just 3 eggs! I am only getting one a day or every other day so I figured I would pop them in before the oldest is over a week old. I can't wait till a few means 30! It is kinda fun to have something hatch every week or so anyhow.

I will try to catch up with the thread to see what everyone else is incubating but it is so beautiful out and there are SO many thistles in my garden!
yay for 7 day candles! I love candling

Buy Yours HERE
Thank you!

Okay, 7th day candling complete! Two blood rings, two infertiles. I may have a couple of early quitters in the silkies, but I didn't want to toss an egg this early when I saw veins. I couldn't really see through the Welsummer eggs, but I'm hoping all the empties I saw weren't really empties, just dark shelled... Didn't bother to check the quail eggs. It's hard to see any infertile eggs for me until day 14 next Sunday (they were put in on last Sunday, instead of last Saturday), haha. So out of 123 eggs, I've for sure lost 4. I Put ten more eggs in tonight too...I may have a bit of a problem.
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At the moment I have 6 eggs from my April hatch that will be staying in the incubator until May to see if they are just running a few days late. Then on Tue I am due to lock down 5 turkey eggs to hatch the 6th. Then on May 14th runner duck and turkey eggs I got on the 24 hour crazy auction thread. Then chicken eggs to hatch around the 19th of May. I am not sure I am going to know what to do with myself when the incubators are empty after that LOL.
Ok, so I am not just a hatch-a-holic. As you may have notice in my avatar, we have other critters as well. Since I just can't wait for my broody chicks to hatch next weekend, we added two new members to our family.

They aren't chickens but they are cute anyway!



I am sort of new to camelids Alpaca or Llama? We bought 4 fixed male alpacas last summer... Dreamweaver, Rockin Robin, Christopher Gold, & Nevis.
Wow, finally caught up! So happy to see some familiar faces have joined!! Pyxis, congrats on the 40! And Sally that is a LOT of eggs!! Tell me about stacking does that work at hatch time? I need all the space I can get right now! Good luck to everyone!!

Here's my updates:
I didn't realize that broodys counted. I have a 6 month old silkie that has gone broody for the first time. I really don't need anymore chicks but I hate depriving them of what they want. So I stuck 5 very OLD eggs under her. (And dang it, I forgot to write down the day!! A little over a week ago). I candled them and of course they are all developing!

5 shipped call duck eggs still going strong (1 still has a very wobbly air cell) in my brinsea mini due 5/10.

29 of my own silkie eggs (all 29 looking great) in my brinsea 20 Eco, due 5/13.

New incubator should be here next week and I'll set more!

What kind of bator did you order?

I ordered the hova bator 1583. It's still not here!! I contacted the company and it was shipped out today from Washington state to NY. I can't wait for it to get here. This will be my first styro.

My May hatching eggs have arrived.  Wow!  Out of 16, only 5 had visible air cells, and those were small and rock solid! Not a floater or a saddle shaped cell in the bunch!   When @RubyNala97
 gathered them for shipping, she said she couldn't see air cells yet they were so fresh, and she shipped them right afterward. So I have high hopes for this hatch.  They'd better hatch - Katiebug is way too excited for words at this point.  I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with 16 Silkies!


My salmon Faverolle eggs just came in the mail! Out of 15 I only saw two detached air cells. I've got them all in an egg carton in the basement. What are the chances that they will reattach and be ok?!

Don't give up hope. I can finally say (after many attempts) that I have hatched a duckling out of an egg that had a totally detached air cell!

I have another broody hen setting on wood duck eggs now.

Wow!! Wood ducks are beautiful! Where did you get the eggs from?

Well, I guess May is just about here... Time to switch threads. :)

I set a few more Silkie eggs today and candled a couple that I set a few days ago and they are fertile!! So two hens are now laying fertile eggs. I am so excited because I have a paint roo and a black, split lavender, showgirl roo over black and showgirl hens, so I am just dying to see what hatches. Presumably some lavender, black, showgirl and possibly paint chicks and who knows what else??? So fun!

Hey Girl!! Long time! :hugs
Wow, finally caught up! So happy to see some familiar faces have joined!! Pyxis, congrats on the 40! And Sally that is a LOT of eggs!! Tell me about stacking does that work at hatch time? I need all the space I can get right now! Good luck to everyone!!

Here's my updates:
I didn't realize that broodys counted. I have a 6 month old silkie that has gone broody for the first time. I really don't need anymore chicks but I hate depriving them of what they want. So I stuck 5 very OLD eggs under her. (And dang it, I forgot to write down the day!! A little over a week ago). I candled them and of course they are all developing!

5 shipped call duck eggs still going strong (1 still has a very wobbly air cell) in my brinsea mini due 5/10.

29 of my own silkie eggs (all 29 looking great) in my brinsea 20 Eco, due 5/13.

New incubator should be here next week and I'll set more!
I ordered the hova bator 1583. It's still not here!! I contacted the company and it was shipped out today from Washington state to NY. I can't wait for it to get here. This will be my first styro.
Don't give up hope. I can finally say (after many attempts) that I have hatched a duckling out of an egg that had a totally detached air cell!
Wow!! Wood ducks are beautiful! Where did you get the eggs from?
Hey Girl!! Long time! :hugs

Hey, nice to see you!! Glad to see you hatching lots of babies! I can't wait to see them!!
Thank you!

Okay, 7th day candling complete! Two blood rings, two infertiles. I may have a couple of early quitters in the silkies, but I didn't want to toss an egg this early when I saw veins. I couldn't really see through the Welsummer eggs, but I'm hoping all the empties I saw weren't really empties, just dark shelled... Didn't bother to check the quail eggs. It's hard to see any infertile eggs for me until day 14 next Sunday (they were put in on last Sunday, instead of last Saturday), haha. So out of 123 eggs, I've for sure lost 4. I Put ten more eggs in tonight too...I may have a bit of a problem.

I don't see the problem???

At the moment I have 6 eggs from my April hatch that will be staying in the incubator until May to see if they are just running a few days late. Then on Tue I am due to lock down 5 turkey eggs to hatch the 6th. Then on May 14th runner duck and turkey eggs I got on the 24 hour crazy auction thread. Then chicken eggs to hatch around the 19th of May. I am not sure I am going to know what to do with myself when the incubators are empty after that LOL.
easy fix make sure they never go empty! Problem solved
you have many friends!! you have us!!  I dont either though, I am not a talker or a shopper or anything like that believe it or not.   its true:oops:

:clap   sweet!!! good luck!

WELCOME!!!!  how exciting I also have guiniea set, eggs are old and had yolk all over them so I wiped them down, not very hopeful but I cant keep them anyways



CONGRATS!!! cool image!

sorry on the stinker!! 

LOL aww thanks, that's true :) but really!? You seem so talkative and nice on here! I HATE shopping. Or I used to. I find it so boring. But oddly, I like grocery shopping lol I think it was always just cause my mom likes to shop and would drag me along for hours
I'm really awkward/shy in person though ha

   :eek:      What if you run out of butter? :confused:

LOL :yuckyuck I know you were quoting Sally's post but I'm like Sally too, hate shopping, find it boring, but oddly enough the one thing I do like is grocery shopping. I think it's because it's fun and I can buy whatever food I want. Especially now that I have my license. Usually this involves tons pf junk, you know, like cheese puff, zebra cakes, ice cream, cookies, fruit snacks, candy, cheez its, cupcakes, etc. Etc. You get the picture. But my mom just took me tonight since they're leaving and I bought like basically everything I'm gonna need/want. But anyways, oddly enough I did not buy amy junk food whatsoever. Not one single thing. I got entirely bagged salads and fresh fruits and vegetables, orange juice, milk, bread and peanut butter, fruit cups, yogurt, chicken, oats, etc. Heck, I even went in the organic and gluten-free section of the store (it's a decent sized area and selection in a front corner, I usually never venture into it. It's an adventure let me tell you. :lol: ) and happened up the seeds and bought them. I fall for packaging telling you it's the best thing ever, okay?
flax seeds, flax & chia seed blend, flax & hemp seed blend. Did I need all 3? No. But I figure they're good for me and I can put them in smoothies or give a tiny bit to the chickens (not too much, that **** was expensive lol). Amazing. I almost bought zebra cakes cause they're on an end cap with other little debbie products and I was thinking, as I often do, "well, I'm getting all this healthy stuff. I can buy one unhealthy thing" but then right after that I told myself "I am trying to be healthy and completely cut this stuff out" obviously if that's the case "just one" defeats the purpose and also for me it turns into the whole box. LOL so I sadly resisted :( although I'm not sure if I'm just nervous or cold or what cause it is kinda cold in this room but I think I might possibly already be craving sugar and junk food and if there is withdrawal almost experiencing it but I'm probably being a hypochondriac lol i didn eat junk today unless you count syrup on the French toast but normally i wouldnt even eat breakfast.

I don't buy feed at TSC because it tends to be old, check the dates on it. I also try to stick to Nutrena or blue seal that's what my local feed stores sell too.

its a possibility, how old are they? 

I buy Nutrena too. Used to buy it at TSC. Had no idea TSC feed was old!!! :(

If you want to break a broody, put her in a cage with a wire bottom so that there is air flow under her.  Give her feed and water and a lot of light (but not direct sun).  This works well for some, but not all broodies.

I personally mix my layer pellets with a higher protein game bird feed.  I also make sure they have oyster shells (free choice - separate from feed) and we save, bake, crumble then scatter eggs shells in the run for them to eat.

We buy our feed at the local co-op.  It is more convenient for us (it is closer) and they don't have their feed laying around very long.

Hope they snap out of it for you.

I have been feeding starter/grower for a while as it's higher protein but Nutrena also makes Feather Fixer which is the closest ratios to layer. BUT. I also found out last week that Nutrena makes a higher protein layer feed!!! Our local feed store carries it but TSC doesn't. It is in their NatureWise line like the current starter/grower I feed now and like the other layer I bought one time before going back to starter/grower. The regular layer, as with almost all other brands, is 16% protein but this one is 18% !!! It's fantastic because I don't have to feed starter/growet anymore or all flock or anything like that. I heard layer is supposed to be the sole ration so if you feed a lot of treats and such you should feed something else as it lowers the protein but I am hoping that ths higher percent protein layer will be okay since protein seems to be the main concern? Sorry for babbling. The feed is called NatureWise Hearty Hen. And it is made by Nutrena and is 18% protein.

I hear an ice bath also works, 5 gallon bucket of ice water, dunk her for like 10 seconds

I love angel

Sounds interesting lol

I am sort of new to camelids Alpaca or Llama? We bought 4 fixed male alpacas last summer... Dreamweaver, Rockin Robin, Christopher Gold, & Nevis.

Was wondering too. I was just about to ask that myself lol but they look smaller like alpacas. Llamas are huge
So I officially set 24 dorking eggs and 2 silkies on Friday. (Silkies were a random "either take them or we are tossing them" from my daughters friend. (They don't eat the silkie eggs so they toss them if they aren't hatching them.) Dorkings are for my daughters dad so hoping they hatch well.) Last hatch I had a 75% hath rate. Would have had dang near 100% but somehow 11 of the 12 that didn't hatch died fully formed in the shell. (I think my humidity for hatch was too high...had it good during incubation, great air cells, but not a single internal pip on 11 of them. Plus the last one to hatch was sticky and something was off. (He/she (Moran) is doing well with the silkies. Their siblings keep running her Sammy (blind Moran) over, so I put her with the 4 days younger silkie chicks and they are all getting along well. She's figured out the food dish and water and peeps like a homing beakon when needing guidance. Lol.
LOL aww thanks, that's true :) but really!? You seem so talkative and nice on here! I HATE shopping. Or I used to. I find it so boring. But oddly, I like grocery shopping lol I think it was always just cause my mom likes to shop and would drag me along for hours
I'm really awkward/shy in person though ha
LOL :yuckyuck I know you were quoting Sally's post but I'm like Sally too, hate shopping, find it boring, but oddly enough the one thing I do like is grocery shopping. I think it's because it's fun and I can buy whatever food I want. Especially now that I have my license. Usually this involves tons pf junk, you know, like cheese puff, zebra cakes, ice cream, cookies, fruit snacks, candy, cheez its, cupcakes, etc. Etc. You get the picture. But my mom just took me tonight since they're leaving and I bought like basically everything I'm gonna need/want. But anyways, oddly enough I did not buy amy junk food whatsoever. Not one single thing. I got entirely bagged salads and fresh fruits and vegetables, orange juice, milk, bread and peanut butter, fruit cups, yogurt, chicken, oats, etc. Heck, I even went in the organic and gluten-free section of the store (it's a decent sized area and selection in a front corner, I usually never venture into it. It's an adventure let me tell you. :lol: ) and happened up the seeds and bought them. I fall for packaging telling you it's the best thing ever, okay?
flax seeds, flax & chia seed blend, flax & hemp seed blend. Did I need all 3? No. But I figure they're good for me and I can put them in smoothies or give a tiny bit to the chickens (not too much, that **** was expensive lol). Amazing. I almost bought zebra cakes cause they're on an end cap with other little debbie products and I was thinking, as I often do, "well, I'm getting all this healthy stuff. I can buy one unhealthy thing" but then right after that I told myself "I am trying to be healthy and completely cut this stuff out" obviously if that's the case "just one" defeats the purpose and also for me it turns into the whole box. LOL so I sadly resisted :( although I'm not sure if I'm just nervous or cold or what cause it is kinda cold in this room but I think I might possibly already be craving sugar and junk food and if there is withdrawal almost experiencing it but I'm probably being a hypochondriac lol i didn eat junk today unless you count syrup on the French toast but normally i wouldnt even eat breakfast.
I buy Nutrena too. Used to buy it at TSC. Had no idea TSC feed was old!!! :(
I have been feeding starter/grower for a while as it's higher protein but Nutrena also makes Feather Fixer which is the closest ratios to layer. BUT. I also found out last week that Nutrena makes a higher protein layer feed!!! Our local feed store carries it but TSC doesn't. It is in their NatureWise line like the current starter/grower I feed now and like the other layer I bought one time before going back to starter/grower. The regular layer, as with almost all other brands, is 16% protein but this one is 18% !!! It's fantastic because I don't have to feed starter/growet anymore or all flock or anything like that. I heard layer is supposed to be the sole ration so if you feed a lot of treats and such you should feed something else as it lowers the protein but I am hoping that ths higher percent protein layer will be okay since protein seems to be the main concern? Sorry for babbling. The feed is called NatureWise Hearty Hen. And it is made by Nutrena and is 18% protein.
Sounds interesting lol
Was wondering too. I was just about to ask that myself lol but they look smaller like alpacas. Llamas are huge

If you quit eating sugar, you really will go through withdrawal. It takes a week or two to get it out of your system but if you make it that long, the cravings mostly go away. I haven't eaten sugar since early February and it feels wonderful to go to the store and not be a slave to cravings and sugar.
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