MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

My eggies go into lockdown tomorrow too!
Congrats and Good LUCK!!!

Lost a few more. One looks like a day 6 or 7 quitter and one was probably lost today. Plus removed another dud. Down to 21 eggs from 30.

I have another that looks like a dud but it's shell is dark enough I'm not comfortable calling it yet.
Hopefully no more die.

Day 7 today and we candled the eggs for the first time. Looks like 5/7 have something going on although we're not sure if one has a blood ring or not. Will continue to watch it. Sadly the two eggs from our white rock look unfertile. Do blood rings develop on the side of an egg, or around the circumference? This is my first experience with hatching eggs done in not quite sure.

anywhere, if ever questionable, mark the ring and check it again later

Well, with heart pounding I took up the flashlight after we got home from Cody tonight. I was so torn between wanting to know and just not wanting to look!! My track record ain't so hot - 3 chicks out of 39 eggs in 2 separate hatches, so I was more than a little apprehensive. I got 16 Silkie eggs shipped from @RubyNala97 and, true to form, managed to break one putting it in the incubator, so I have 15 in the Brinsea. This is the first egg I candled tonight (day 4) and this is what I saw. (Ignore that stripy thing....seems to be a artifact in the 2 photos I took tonight)

Now, that's pretty doggone exciting, but what's even better is that I have 13 more just like it in there!!!

These are shipped eggs, and it took them a few days to get here. She did a fabulous job gathering, storing, and shipping these eggs! It CAN be done!! I only have one egg that looks like this out of all of them:

Maybe, just maybe, this might finally be the hatch I can actually pull off!!
YAYYYYY!!! So happy for you!!

My broodies are really grumpy. I busted them tonight sitting on eggs after dark.. Threw their butts in a cage. Don't need the guess work of which is good to eat and which is developing in to a chicken...People get unhappy with 1/2 started eggs....
so I set white marans and wheaten marans tonight.
Darn old hens made me do it......
yes they did!! LOL

I sitting here watching week old chicks jumping up and down as a next door gosling sticks his head over the bin is so cute to watch! Gosling is like a big dragon (sweet of course) and a brave lil chickie trying to jump up there to confront him!!

I set my D'Uccles and Bantam Polish Frizzles 36 hours ago...gonna be a long 3 weeks....

They are in the new incubator. Definitely a different design but you sure can see what is going on in there w/o opening it up!
I can picture the gosling lol, good luck on the eggs!

First time incubating...put 18 eggs into a still air incubator yesterday (6 each of Ameracauna, Olive Egger, LF Cochin). Very nervous and some questions!

I didn't get the automatic egg turner, but now I want it. Would it be ok to get one today and put it in? Or will it disrupt things too much?
Also, and I posted this elsewhere, I'm struggling to keep the temp above 100 (read somewhere here it should be 102 in a still air). But then I read a cheat sheet about this particular incubator and I think it's not such a big deal in the first two days as it's stabilizing. But I think having the automatic egg turner would help? So much info on this site, but it's also very overwhelming. The woman who lent me the incubator, looked at me like I was insane when I said I had multiple thermometers. She said, 'it's just incubating eggs!' I'm hopeful that if she hatched successfully while not doing much, I will too by doing a little bit more!
Good luck! read sally's notes, she's the best

Got them ready to go into the incubator this afternoon.

133 of them.

Break down:
7 Polish/Turken cross. 4 green 3 brown. From another breeder with blood from my flock.
12 Green Egger Naked Neck from a breeder with some blood from my flock.
29 from Cinnamon rooster/ various hens.
22 from Golden Partridge rooster/ various hens
27 from Red Mottled rooster red and barred hens.
10 from Spangled Aloha over Mottled Partridge and Silver hens.
6 Green Egger Naked Neck my Flock from Blue Cream Partridge NN.
8 from Blue Cream Partridge NN rooster over a Black NN hen. Brown eggs.
12 from a Mottled Partridge rooster over various hens (3).
Oh MY!!! that is a lot of eggs!
I think i lost a bunch of quotes

Congrats to those with hatchlings, sorry for losses and welcome to all new people!
I just got the John Blehm chicks I ordered in February!!!!

I think I am more egg cited than I have ever been about chicks! These are Silver, Buff, Lavender and Black Ameraucana. They hatched yesterday.

I just got the John Blehm chicks I ordered in February!!!!

I think I am more egg cited than I have ever been about chicks! These are Silver, Buff, Lavender and Black Ameraucana. They hatched yesterday.

So Cute! More pics once they are comfortable too please:)

Been too long and I miss everyone!!!
So, I'm ready to play!

I have some more shipped porcelain d'Uccles in the bator. Still trying to get a new flock going for Tobin. There are 9 due to hatch Saturday. Then I went to a chicken show and ended up swapping Serama eggs with a couple people! So I have 13 Serama eggs that will be due the 22nd.

The family went to PA without me for the month. Maybe I can be on here a little more!

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