MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

So since i have a mix do uou think spot on head means male?
Here is the parent options
Roosters are: Sumatra,Crele Orp, , Langshan, mixed, Polish, Bantam welsummers

Hens: Welsummer, , Blue copper marans, cuckoo marans, EE and olive eggers, Bantam olive eggers, Langshan, games and mixes, polish, Ameracanu, ,Bantam welsummers,, light Brahma, .Rhode island red, leghorn. Some have tiny spot one has large white spot

I see you listed a crele Orpington. Crele has the barring gene, so nope. The head spots mean nothing. Barred roosters will pass the barring to both male and female chicks.
What color are these? Are they blue, light blue, or splash? Very cute!

Wow, so you still have a nice bunch of eggs! I hate it when it is hard to see in the green ones!

Yes still quite a few.

@mlm Mike

I expected a few maybe not quite that many though.

There's were some eggs I had bought at an auction that 7 out of 12 were clear that is what really hurt the percentage.

Then out of my eggs a lot of the clears were pullet eggs. I've noticed before that a lot of the times they have a lower fertility rate. They've only been laying ( good) for about a month to month and half so I guess not really too surprised.

Fingers crossed for a good hatch though. I'll probably ark about 3/4 if them.
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Quote: OK, I hope you have a successful hatch with the remaining few!
What was it 96?
I had a hen go broody and got some fertile eggs for shiggles well they are due to hatch this upcoming weekend. She did indeed sit the whole cycle. Now I'm worried on what to do and have a silly question. Should I be concerned she will be so busy sitting that if they try to pip she will suffocate them? I'm sorry to waste your time but if you could answer with some tips on day 21 with a broody I will feel better.
Nope, they will be fine. Just leave her and let nature take it's course.
Sort of a glutton for punishment I guess. Had just over a week off from an incubator with eggs and then set 21 of these on Sunday evening.( Narragansett Turkeys ) Will put 3 chicken eggs in as "teachers" this weekend.

I took my little injured chick to the vet's office this morning (as they told me to last night, come at 7 in the morning), and the vet that sees chicks was not there and won't be there until this evening. ~sigh~ Frustrating. Poor little thing is so sad to watch. Still eating and drinking and hopefully when I get off work and take her to vet AGAIN the chicken vet will actually be there. I read the pages on chicken leg issues/injuries and I just don't feel confident enough to diagnose what is wrong. She was fine one minute and then not able to use one leg. (Thanks Sally Sunshine for the links.)
Any update on your injured chick?? I havr been wondering what the vet said. I couldn't find a vet in my area.. but rest seemed to do the trick for my chick. Hope you get good news.

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