MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Oh, gosh! I so ... Ummm. Oh gosh.
I am so excited! I have 6 out so far, out of 27, and they aren't actually due to hatch till tomorrow night!
How long do you usually leave your chicks in the incubator?
I don't want to have to leave them in 24+ hrs but also want to make sure I don't dry out the pipped eggs. (I keep reading if I grab them quickly, wet the sponges again, and close back up that the humidity should jump back up?)
The first hatched chick has now been in there 8-9 hrs and still not dried off....humidity jumped to 75% as the chicks hatch.
YAYAYYAYAYA go babies goooo

We've had 30 cooking and we're due on Sunday. We've got some peeping tonight, can't wait to see the early birds.
What we're hatching,
10 lav orp, checking for purity she was in with our EE making beautiful black colored babies.
10 green eggs, we normally get a nice mix of colors.
10 blue eggs from my blue ameraucana gal, hatched all blue from her last hatch, might have a little lav orp mixed in this time.

Just excited, we're selling everything that hatches this month for feed $$ for the summer
Everything I straight run.
AWESOME!!! Good luck!!

The chicken eggs are a' rockin. I guess I didn't kill them all
Two more quails hatched, bringing our total to 25, though one is weak. Tomorrow is day 18 for them and 21 for the chicks. I can't wait to see what it brings me. I also was checking on the quails in the brooder tonight and noticed that the one who came out of the one green egg is a diluted color. Instead of being black and yellow, he/she is read and yellow. These were supposed to be all jumbo Browns, so I'm pretty excited. Definitely not eating that one.

In other news, I candledsomd of my duck and quail eggs today lost nine quail eggs as clears, but only one button out of fifteen! Several duck eggs got tossed and a couple more chicken eggs for being early quitters. Overall I pulled out twenty from the five bagillion eggs that were there, slipped some more pekin eggs in their place, and tossed the clears over the hill. I'm having way too much fun setting more eggs. Muscovies coming and that may be it for a while...maybe. :p
YAYAYYAAA candledsomd!!! he he he

Lock down begins tomorrow!
And we have another curve ball to deal with. Even though I've been doing a dry incubation and the humidity has been steady around 35% the air cells don't look large enough. Nothing I can do to fix it either. Hopefully at least one hatches!!

I have one lonely egg that goes into lock down tomorrow. My last rooster..wasn't her for long..too much crowing, but I got one of his fertile eggs to go this long. Hope it makes it through lock down.

I am setting some white silkies tonight..and some blue splash silkies tomorrow night.
Hi cynth!!!

Well my first set of littles went out with the big girls today. Ive been putting them in a crate with them for over a week today we bit the bullet and they have all done great all day! Going the coop tonight was alot of fun though they weren't ready for bed... just like kids!

I love so many of us have chairs in our runs lol!!!

I posted this in the emergency section but I thought I'd add it here incase some of you might know what to do.

One of our 4 week old serama chicks isn't walking. This has been going on for about 5 days now. She is the only one that acts like this. I figured she had botulism because I examined their chick starter and it had mold growth in it. I also found some bright green poop in the bedding. I cleaned out the brooder and got new feed. She eats and drinks well and walks to the food and water when I refill them. She is unstable and shakes.
I feed her boiled egg every morning and they get medicated chick starter during the day. I have tried dissolving vitamin b12 tablets in the water. I also tried vitamin electrolyte mix that has riboflavin. She isn't worse, but she isn't better. Will she ever walk again? Should I do therapy with her? If so, how do I do that?
I have been handling her a lot keeping her away from the others. I noticed that I haven't seen her poop.
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you!
I am not sure what to say on the poor chickie

Well i been playing with my babies again and i am a picture taking fool! Ready????????

For the fourth of July lol

Can you say "laid back?"

For Memorial Day

My little dinkiest Ayam. Been giving electrolytes with a dropper. Perking up a bit.
awwwwwwwww glad she is perking up!!
Woke up this morning to a text. My friends order of chicks were all DOA when they got to the post office. So sad. Then I went into my chick room and find this..... They think I'm mommy. They huddle under my hand when I go in there.
Woke up this morning to a text. My friends order of chicks were all DOA when they got to the post office. So sad.

Then I went into my chick room and find this.....

They think I'm mommy. They huddle under my hand when I go in there.

Sorry to hear about the DOA. Gotta love it when they cuddle up to your hand.
They sure are quick to make messes with the water! Not even a day old yet and I can hear them throwing a party in it still.

dawwwwwwwwwww you need a baking pan and tray asap! lol

I have tried so many things, but this is the easiest and having extra brooder ready to throw them into so I can clean dirty one

Quote: Eeeek!!! I actually DO have another I made...
It's a gargantuan thing.
If I EVER get to find out how many eggs it will hold, I'm pretty certain a divorce will be imminent.

But this incubator still needs a bit of this....

AND this.....

I haven't "quite" got everything perfected just I also loved it as a hatcher so I'm undecided which direction I'm
BUUT I just bought another thermostat today to build another styro bator, same as my first.
(Insert evil laugh)


I have two Silver Pencil Rocks now. I don't know what is going on with the other pip. I'm really hoping that I get at least one more chick. Obviously I hope for at least one girl. A pair is good too, but I can get a cockerel from someone else for free. I really need a pullet!
sweet!!! come on babies!!

Interesting, rock number 4 just came out, but needed a bit of help. The shell was cracked all the way around, but it only zipped the membrane in about two 1/2 inch places. The shell is very thin (old hen), almost crumbled when I touched it, but the membrane was thick and harder to get through. The moisture on the membrane was fine. It was just tough. I wonder if that is why some chicks don't hatch after lockdown for some people. Maybe the shell and the membrane have to be just the right formula of thickness, for the chick to use them together to get out. I just took a pen and unzipped the membrane for it a part of the way, and it is fine. Not sticky or dry or anything. I don't know that it would have gotten out on it's own, because it would have had to zip around one more time. Still waiting on my special silkie. It is taking it's sweet time. But, I will wait it out. It pipped about 24 hours ago, so hopefully it will start unzipping soon.

I want more of these!


Quote: sure you choose to not get notices!!! you get them in the email you signed up with. and you have to change settings to get them, but you know all that, so yer fibbin!!!

Day 7. Pulled 5 clears. I have 14 SF, 10 Barnyard mix, and (from what I can see) 4 BCM
good luck!
I've been gone a few days, skipped lots of posts. Congrats to those with new chicks and to those who failed don't give up. My Broody has now been sitting for 31 days today is day 20 for her egg so hopefully we'll see a cute chickie either today or tomorrow. The egg is from a Rosecomb bantam and La Bresse mix hen and the rooster is an Easter Egger. Does anyone know if the Pea comb or the Rosecomb is dominant? I'm hoping for a Rosecomb on this chick if it hatches!
 Day 20.5: Went down this morning and its a 3 ring circus! At least 15 chicks hatched, but there is no way to count these clowns. :) love love love this!

How exciting!

As of 5:45 am this morning my 3-9 5-10 hatch is almost over.  I think there is 7 eggs left in bator.  due to hatch the 10th.  there is 87 chicks in the brooder.
this is what hatched
RR  17
wheaten marans 16
white marans 8
OE 8
wheaten amerucana pen2 3
wheaten amerucana pen 2 1
brahma 2
clb x cuckoo 18
sf 1
bra x nn 9
3 un mark eggs 3
had a great hatch  I set on my hands so I dont open the the bator..   Will check on the last 7 tonight to see what is happening....

How are the color of the White Marans eggs? I've been thinking of getting one (or a few...) someday. So far I love the color my Cuckoo Marans is giving me.

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