MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I'm setting these for the HAL.

Eeeeek!! I've got a first time broody!!

She's 4 and as far as I know has never went broody a day in her life!! Now I'm all excited and have no idea what to do

So im getting a dozen silkie eggs. A dozen MPC reshipped eggs. (3 BLRW,3 CCLB,3 EE,3 SBEL) And a dozen croads (because mine croaked) lol (the shipper is replacing my order for cost of shipping only) chicken peeps are great peeps! All to be shipped on June 7th so im all in if there is a june hatch a long.
I hope they all arrive safely.

Hello everyone!! Cute photos!! Great saves!! Sorry for the DIS and after lock down deaths. Sounds like a lot going on!!!

In this house, we had 2 sets of locked down eggs that didn't do so well.

The set that was mine, the dozen eggs that made a side trip from WA to AL, back to CA had 10 that didn't hatch. For the two other sets of eggs, I ended up with 6 blue eggs, 5 Cochin eggs that didn't hatch. I was able to find some of the hatched egg shells that were legible. I had 3 Maran, 1 Gold Laced Brahma, 2 Blue Partridge Brahma, 2 Blue Birchen Brahma, 2 Biefelders, 1 dark green egg and 6 silkies - along with 6 others I didn't have shells for. A total of 23 chicks out of 54 originally set.

For Gotro17's eggs. The 60 eggs we set, only 40 made it to lock down, but only 17 hatched. 9 Lavender Orpington and 8 Cochin. Of the 40 that made it to lock down 15 of 20 of the eggs that started life in my Brinsea hatched and only 2 of 20 that started in the Hovabator. I did eggtopsies on 10 of the eggs. The Marans that I couldn't see in, about half were infertile or died within days of incubation, the other half were late DIS - they didn't absorb ANY yolk. A couple of the questionable ones that I left in at lock down were earlier DIS. In the Hovabator, the temp jumped around day 15. I think it must have done more damage than I thought.

I have Fly Tyer eggs (shipped) and a bunch of my eggs - silkies and backyard EE mix eggs. I just got 30 eggs from TJchickens (6 Seramas,4 bantam EE, 6 Silver Sebrights, 5 Golden Sebrights, 5 Golden Neck D'uccle and 4 Mille Fleur D'uccle. I will set these with 16 silkie, and 30 backyard EE mix eggs.

Can anyone tell me the best way to hatch the Seramas?

Sorry the hatch didn't go well, I hope this one does better.

Today was Day 10 for me, so I candled mine again (6 LF Cochins, 6 EE, 6 Ameracaunas). I *think* they're developing ok (this is my first time doing this!). All except one (which didn't look good on Day 7) had a larger air cell than last time (though some not that much larger?), blood vessels, and were dark on the pointy end. And they all felt heavier than the 'bad' one. Should I leave the bad one in to see or chuck it?

Anything else I should be doing? Next day for candling will be Tuesday (day 14).
If you are certain it is bad I would get rid of it.

Here she is with her new baby! The broody is my Black Sumatra "Yin" and the baby is from a Rosecomb bantam/La Bresse mixed hen and Easter Egger rooster. I've named the baby "Twix".

55% to start candle every two days from day 10 adjust as needed HOWEVER keep in mind that serama will suddenly drop weight quicker the last four days before lockdown!!! so dont get the air cells TOO SMALL!! and 75 for hatching. I would get serama local in CA there are some great breeders closer to you, serama polish and silkies suck for sending in the mail, not sure why if the membrane is naturally thinner or what but they do terrible shipped.

I think they are lovely too, I heard they can get fighty with other breeds did you hear that too?
Thank you so much Sally!!!! TJchickens is 3 hours south of me, but it still took 3 days to get to me. I'll see how these do. It's funny, I just planned a last minute vacation (sort of planned). We are thinking of heading down to San Diego (TJchickens home town). If I had known I was driving down, I would have offered to pick them up!

I currently have Spitzhauben from the Easter HAL, and they are aleady flying out of the coop. So, we are working on a roof!

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