MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

last pic of my chickens. Silkies just moved to new brooder and they fear the new bedding. I do paper towels for near a month then chips
Will eggs hatch in an open container with a heat lamp and some water or does it have to be closed?
Well it has to be humid ... I find so much as opening the incubator when the humidity needs to be up dissipates the humidity too much. Hence lock down... But if it was deep enough and something I don't know there may be a way? But I don't think it's ideal. A hen holds in the moisture well as does a lid ;)
The 4wk olds are spending their first day outside. #nervousmomma

This is my first batch of babies. First time using the pen on chicks this small. I tested it out with them for about an hour over the weekend to make sure it's secure and man thing and i are checking them intermittently. Everyone seems happy and safe.

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