MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

The 4wk olds are spending their first day outside. #nervousmomma

This is my first batch of babies. First time using the pen on chicks this small. I tested it out with them for about an hour over the weekend to make sure it's secure and man thing and i are checking them intermittently. Everyone seems happy and safe.
I put my chicks out at two weeks
The 4wk olds are spending their first day outside. #nervousmomma

This is my first batch of babies. First time using the pen on chicks this small. I tested it out with them for about an hour over the weekend to make sure it's secure and man thing and i are checking them intermittently. Everyone seems happy and safe.
They'll be ok, there, there

The first of the broody rescue chicks has hatched. And, in typical fashion... it came out backwards. LOL. My first feet-first-hatchling.

Cool picture!
@Sally Sunshine

The leg question I posted this morning turns out I was worried about nothing. The chick just hadn't found his sea legs and is walking fine now. Thank you for taking the time to answer.

Since it hatched I have 4 more eggs with visible pips and many more to go after that
glad your ready for them!! good luck!!
did you wathc the video of twisting them off? 


Hi Molly!!!  good luck!!

oh Shah I cant tell you how many times I did that so sorry sweets!


awwwww what a cute image of a adorable peep!!!

Harmony's seramas are so cute!
I have 8 of the 15 eggs in my lock down incubator hatched, and still hoping for more. I found out that my broody silkie has at least 1 pip. Although I was HORRIFIED when I found out the reason we know that we have a pip is because my helpful tenant (who helps clean the coops and care for the chickens) has been REMOVING her from the nest each day to make sure she eats and poops, rather than letting the hen do it herself. I have threatened them with bodily harm if they did it again.

Congratulations to everyone else that is also hatching babies!! Go chickies go!!!!
I have 8 of the 15 eggs in my lock down incubator hatched, and still hoping for more. I found out that my broody silkie has at least 1 pip. Although I was HORRIFIED when I found out the reason we know that we have a pip is because my helpful tenant (who helps clean the coops and care for the chickens) has been REMOVING her from the nest each day to make sure she eats and poops, rather than letting the hen do it herself. I have threatened them with bodily harm if they did it again.

Congratulations to everyone else that is also hatching babies!! Go chickies go!!!!

Congrats on the pips.. I have a friend who was saving eggs in a carton to incubate when she had enough.. imagine her horror when she came home one day and one of the farm helpers had put the eggs in the refrigerator.

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