MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

HarmonyAnns Serama, her White ones

and a roo that needed spurs clipped, I may mention he dont like me anymore lol

Man Sally, that kid of yours is adorable. She's gonna melt hearts. Her serama are adorable, also!
First udpate, I'm totally excited to have budgies again!!!!

It's been a l-o-n-g time. I haven't seen a white one in years!
The classifieds are evil.

They are two young females.
Maybe...just maybe a suitable male suitor may require a new residence.


My hatch is one egg short of being done.

May 12 - chick internally pipped, was out waiting for me the next morning. (white chick)
May 16 - 3 chicks hatched
May 17 - Had one chick zipped and hatching. Unfortunately his intestines had herniated out of the umbilical opening.
I made the decision to cull the chick. I know who the mother is and she's flagged until further notice.

Of course the majority of the chicks hatched while I was away yesterday.

Got home last night, later than planned and of course the humidity had dropped in the bator.
There were a couple slightly stuck chicks and a couple who hatched ahead of their date and they were under the top tray needing to be taken out.

May 18th - Two chicks hatched this morning

Total: 16 chicks hatched chicks
1 chick still to hatch

20 eggs that made it to lockdown but DIS
- 2 double yolker eggs (I keep
- a number of eggs that were ready to hatch had pipped but didn't make it further
- a few eggs that externally pipped on the underside of the egg and either had liquid come out of the egg, and/or the egg got stuck to the paper towel in the bottom tray.
- some died before absorbing everything and they had liquid in the shell

EE x EE (I'm still surprised by the colors, especially the darker solids. Was expecting chipmunks)
OEGB x Silkie X (my good one)

Above is how I set up the last egg to hatch. I have a dampened paper towel in the container with the egg and I covered it with a sandwich baggy.
The chick moved inside but it doesn't look good to me. It's due today. We'll see if hatches. I'll post the results.

I also had an earler egg that had zipped but hadn't finished and it looked like it would get stuck.
The baggy covered container with humidity worked beautifully and it hatched with no issues.

In the 'bator are guinea eggs and eggs collected from Spike, my bluest laying EE.
I guess that's about it.

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Quote: Nice!

The first of the broody rescue chicks has hatched. And, in typical fashion... it came out backwards. LOL. My first feet-first-hatchling.

Nice pic!!


I have puppies due any second! LOL stressed out a tad too, her first litter!!!


The best of luck with her birthing!! exciting!!!

thank you!!!
I have two OE hatched, and four pips! My students were watching number two (number one was out when we got there) and number two popped out 1/2 hour after the kids left for home. Silly chick.
I had a hard time not removing number one all day!
How exciting for them!!!! awesome!


First udpate, I'm totally excited to have budgies again!!!!

It's been a l-o-n-g time. I haven't seen a white one in years!
The classifieds are evil.

They are two young females.
Maybe...just maybe a suitable male suitor may require a new residence.


My hatch is one egg short of being done.

May 12 - chick internally pipped, was out waiting for me the next morning. (white chick)
May 16 - 3 chicks hatched
May 17 - Had one chick zipped and hatching. Unfortunately his intestines had herniated out of the umbilical opening.
I made the decision to cull the chick. I know who the mother is and she's flagged until further notice.

Of course the majority of the chicks hatched while I was away yesterday.

Got home last night, later than planned and of course the humidity had dropped in the bator.
There were a couple slightly stuck chicks and a couple who hatched ahead of their date and they were under the top tray needing to be taken out.

May 18th - Two chicks hatched this morning

Total: 16 chicks hatched chicks
1 chick still to hatch

20 eggs that made it to lockdown but DIS
- 2 double yolker eggs (I keep
- a number of eggs that were ready to hatch had pipped but didn't make it further
- a few eggs that externally pipped on the underside of the egg and either had liquid come out of the egg, and/or the egg got stuck to the paper towel in the bottom tray.
- some died before absorbing everything and they had liquid in the shell

EE x EE (I'm still surprised by the colors, especially the darker solids. Was expecting chipmunks)
OEGB x Silkie X (my good one)

Above is how I set up the last egg to hatch. I have a dampened paper towel in the container with the egg and I covered it with a sandwich baggy.
The chick moved inside but it doesn't look good to me. It's due today. We'll see if hatches. I'll post the results.

I also had an earler egg that had zipped but hadn't finished and it looked like it would get stuck.
The baggy covered container with humidity worked beautifully and it hatched with no issues.

In the 'bator are guinea eggs and eggs collected from Spike, my bluest laying EE.
I guess that's about it.

Sorry on the Dis
First udpate, I'm totally excited to have budgies again!!!!

It's been a l-o-n-g time. I haven't seen a white one in years!
The classifieds are evil.

They are two young females.
Maybe...just maybe a suitable male suitor may require a new residence.


My hatch is one egg short of being done.

May 12 - chick internally pipped, was out waiting for me the next morning. (white chick)
May 16 - 3 chicks hatched
May 17 - Had one chick zipped and hatching. Unfortunately his intestines had herniated out of the umbilical opening.
I made the decision to cull the chick. I know who the mother is and she's flagged until further notice.

Of course the majority of the chicks hatched while I was away yesterday.

Got home last night, later than planned and of course the humidity had dropped in the bator.
There were a couple slightly stuck chicks and a couple who hatched ahead of their date and they were under the top tray needing to be taken out.

May 18th - Two chicks hatched this morning

Total: 16 chicks hatched chicks
1 chick still to hatch

20 eggs that made it to lockdown but DIS
- 2 double yolker eggs (I keep
- a number of eggs that were ready to hatch had pipped but didn't make it further
- a few eggs that externally pipped on the underside of the egg and either had liquid come out of the egg, and/or the egg got stuck to the paper towel in the bottom tray.
- some died before absorbing everything and they had liquid in the shell

EE x EE (I'm still surprised by the colors, especially the darker solids. Was expecting chipmunks)
OEGB x Silkie X (my good one)

Above is how I set up the last egg to hatch. I have a dampened paper towel in the container with the egg and I covered it with a sandwich baggy.
The chick moved inside but it doesn't look good to me. It's due today. We'll see if hatches. I'll post the results.

I also had an earler egg that had zipped but hadn't finished and it looked like it would get stuck.
The baggy covered container with humidity worked beautifully and it hatched with no issues.

In the 'bator are guinea eggs and eggs collected from Spike, my bluest laying EE.
I guess that's about it.


congrats on all of the new ones and sorry about the DIS.
Chicken eggs due to hatch the 19th decided to start pipping and zipping today... one this morning... Then tonight boom boom boom boom 4 more hatched. Still a few pips that need to zip and a lot more eggs after that... I go to sleep excited and wondering how many I will wake up to tomorrow.... These are a combination of eggs from my backyard flock and from a friends flock. Signing off for the night. Happy Hatching folks.
Chicken eggs due to hatch the 19th decided to start pipping and zipping today... one this morning... Then tonight boom boom boom boom 4 more hatched. Still a few pips that need to zip and a lot more eggs after that... I go to sleep excited and wondering how many I will wake up to tomorrow.... These are a combination of eggs from my backyard flock and from a friends flock.  Signing off for the night. Happy Hatching folks. :jumpy
Night and I hope you awake to a bator full of babies.
YES! Pics!

YES pics please!!

It's not perfect, and my husband used up our pressure treated wood even tho I asked him not to. Have to do some framing for where the doors will be, and on the sides and then cut down the poles for the roof... and do the siding. I'm not sure we're gonna get it done lol.

Also, here's a breeding pen I'm almost done with (now). This was about half way done:

All that is left is installing the door, chicken wire, and some plywood for the "coop" area. It's total 4 x 4 x 12. Should house a trio/quad of LF nicely. I've been busy today lol.
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I'm in mid-VT, in the Rutland area :)
How far from quiche gorge
Congrats on the pips.. I have a friend who was saving eggs in a carton to incubate when she had enough.. imagine her horror when she came home one day and one of the farm helpers had put the eggs in the refrigerator. :/
:gig [COLOR=4B0082]Sorry...but this made me laugh just a little bit. I feel your[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I'd say the same thing, MIL lives 20 min away.[/COLOR] :rolleyes: [COLOR=4B0082]"Nuff said about that...:duc [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]"Every day I'm shufflin'" [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082][/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082](I couldn't help myself)[/COLOR] :oops: [COLOR=4B0082]Well, that's just more awesome than I can convey! Love it!!! :love [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082](Makes total sense to me.)[/COLOR] :clap :yuckyuck ....... :gig :woot [COLOR=4B0082]Um, tomato juice doesn't work. Don't ask how I know...:oops: [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]:gig [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I had very good luck with men's shaving cream.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082](I was desperate!)[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]If my luck is any indication on how resilient chicken eggs are...I'm thinking you should be fine. :thumbsup [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]My broodies got mixed up when we were away and one of the nest had no broody sitting on it when we got home about 1:30am.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I estimate the nest was like that for about 10 hours because they were usually back on their respective nests by 3pm everyday after the other hens were done laying.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]It was 9C in the coop when we got home. :eek: The OEGB eggs hatched fine under her...and the EE egg that had gotten laid in her nest and I moved to the incubator when she hatched her eggs...hatched fine on the 13th. Big strong chick.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I, um, also forgot to start up and close my incubator after turning the eggs the day we did taxes...and the eggs sat out from 9:30am - about 7pm. :he [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]They also got left open for 3 hours one evening. :oops: :barnie [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]Majority of these eggs made it to[/COLOR] :bow
lol good luck!!
I agree with you, those eggs are tougher than you might think. I had a broody hen get into the wrong nest, and she must have been off the eggs for 6-7 hours. I put her back on the nest, and 6/6 eggs ended up hatching!
Wow! That's awesome
great image ! great news!!!! ohhhh I am glad you seen them!!! the first littles hatched last night from them too!! your kidding!!!! well now you just need to explain the process better lol OMG I have puppies due any second! LOL stressed out a tad too, her first litter!!!
pups yet?
Thank you, so far still good The outside pen doesn't have a heat source, so I've been waiting for a warm, dry day when i knew the elements would be fine for them.
Chicken eggs due to hatch the 19th decided to start pipping and zipping today... one this morning... Then tonight boom boom boom boom 4 more hatched. Still a few pips that need to zip and a lot more eggs after that... I go to sleep excited and wondering how many I will wake up to tomorrow.... These are a combination of eggs from my backyard flock and from a friends flock. Signing off for the night. Happy Hatching folks. :jumpy
good night!! Good luck!!
It's not perfect, and my husband used up our pressure treated wood even tho I asked him not to. Have to do some framing for where the doors will be, and on the sides and then cut down the poles for the roof... and do the siding. I'm not sure we're gonna get it done lol. Also, here's a breeding pen I'm almost done with (now). This was about half way done: All that is left is installing the door, chicken wire, and some plywood for the "coop" area. It's total 4 x 4 x 12. Should house a trio/quad of LF nicely. I've been busy today lol.
looks great!!

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