MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I have some bantam EE chicks from the Easter HAL and they are mock sparring and flaring their hackle feathers like a lizard does.. I've never seen a chicken flare out like that. Would pullets do that?
Both genders will spar for pecking order position. At this point, cockerels should be pretty obvious, with well developed pink combs and patchy coloring.
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Should go home to babies under my broody. She came off the nest last night while I was collecting eggs and I saw 1 external pip. She started with around 6 but I had issues with her cracking them when other hens tried using her nest. So she only has 2 left. Hopefully it goes well, this will be my first successful broody hatch. Almost more nerve wrecking than using the incubator.

I remember how nervous I was with my first brood too. Waiting for the good news!
And photos.
And my broody hen is out and about with the chicks. So far, she's doing great keeping them together, keeping them warm, and keeping the other birds away. She all out jumped on one of the higher ranking hens! She's gonna do just fine protecting her babies.
Woke up this morning to hatched chicks, turkeys .
due today right on time.....
Kerns Amerucanas 11 out of 13 have hatched ( wish mine were that fertile)
3 turkeys of the eggs I found out side under the broody turkey hen after she hatched her chicks are hatching. one 5 days ago, 2 this morning, 2 not doing anything yet. I left them in the turner until pipped. Because I know they were particle started under the turkey.
2 NN 1 feathered neck out of the Brahma cross NN roo and my blue marans hen.
humidity was down to 20 percent but hatching like mad.
PS my turkey is laying again . 8 eggs so far. She sleeps on them at night with her chicks but I see her outside with her chicks in the daytime. It will be interesting to see if she hatches this clutch of egg....
I have Broodies everywhere. in the one NN roo pen there is 2 marans blue hens sitting on I don't know how many eggs. LOTS of them.....
A black marans hen sitting on amerucana eggs (have to check them to see if they are any good. It horrible around here with Broodies or hens that want to set.....

Boy did I make a big mistake didn't get to the feed store yesterday ran out of chick starter. They are hungry and peeping up a storm. It doesn't open until 9. I am going outside.....
I SO feel your pain. Broodys and broody poop everywhere. I think we are twins.
Egg three checked DIS. Correct position. Internally pipped. Completely absorbed yolk. No veins left out side. Poor baby just ran out of speed. So i got 2 croads!
Congratulations on the 2, sorry the 3rd didn't make it.

And my broody hen is out and about with the chicks. So far, she's doing great keeping them together, keeping them warm, and keeping the other birds away. She all out jumped on one of the higher ranking hens! She's gonna do just fine protecting her babies.

Look what arrived today!!!!! Well short 2 blue orpingtons but the rest are fluffy butts. Heat pack in bottom. Btw it is 90 here today lol. They are eating and drinking now. I couldnt wait for them to get to levelland tomorrow so i drove 40 miles to Lubbock and picked them up one stop short of tbeir destination. Lol im so impatient.... but really i have a procedure tomorrow and will be in the hospital and couldn't pick them up until late tomorrow.

5 toes check these are salmon faveroles

Barred plymouth rock

White marans or blue splash marans

And this one is which ever the one above is not!

Brown leghorn

And last but not least
A blue andalusian

He is finally growing his beard. This millie fleur d'Uccle roo was hatched just before the Easter HAL. It took so long for the beard feathers to start growing I thought he may never get them, lol. He still hasn't learned to crow even though he hears the grown roos crowing every morning.

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