MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Well, their late switch into the hatcher didn't hurt them too, too badly. Quailsplosion in my hatcher overnight xD 32 eggs went into the hatcher two days ago and not all of them are out, but enough where I can't count them all yet xD

Edit: ended up pulling eggshells out because they kept kicking them over the unhatched eggs and I have 25 little escaped eggs. Seven more went into lockdown this morning with one already pipping!
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Well, their late switch into the hatcher didn't hurt them too, too badly. Quailsplosion in my hatcher overnight xD 36 eggs went into the hatcher two days ago and not all of them are out, but enough where I can't count them all yet xD

Edit: ended up pulling eggshells out because they kept kicking them over the unhatched eggs and I have 25 little escaped eggs. Seven more went into lockdown this morning with one already pipping!

Congrats on the popcorn quails.
Hope the rest pop soon for you.
New ducklings... Still have a few in the incubator.

Look at that ones feet all black!!!!! me want!!! me want!!!!
Check out this egg! I thought for a minute it had been dropped and cracked, but it was actually laid like this.


cool egg!!! what breed
Sally, waiting to know if there are any puppies yet. Maybe they came and I missed out, always behind.

pups are great!

Mostly finished with my breeding pen today:

Just need the tin for the roof and the paint and we're done! Also got more framing done for the bantam coop:

Just need to do the roof framing and then she'll be ready for plywood siding/roofing. Going to do the roof tomorrow.
going to town!!! sweet!!!
So call me crazy, but I set 24 peafowl eggs last night and today I'm gonna set another 88. Many are older, so I doubt they'll hatch, but I'll set them just for grins.

OMG LOL you go girl!!

Day 21 and I have 5 babies already! While taking out some chicks real quick and cleaning up egg shells I saw some stuff under a egg. So I checked that egg and he had pipped wrong side down and through the yolk. He was already gone before I noticed. 4 eggs left but haven't pipped but I did see movement. I think they are just a day behind because I put them in the next day after the others. Now on to the pictures!! They are a cross between a barnevelder roo and a black sex link hen so I guess they are backyard mutts?


Yes sally sunshines dog had 9 puppies a few days ago
Thank you!

I had to put down two chicks from the 16th hatch. One had a damaged hip and one was a failure to thrive.
Poor little guys. I have one more that's a failure to thrive, I keep hoping he'll catch on...

In happier news, here's what was waiting for me this morning...

I got a white keet!!!

(ok, or porcelain/icy,ivory/opaline etc...whichever it turns out to

I knew the fellow I'd gotten them from had either pieds or whites once upon a time, but had went back to strictly pearl.
All the guineas he has are pearl in appearance.
But the female (and I think the male too) have variegated toes.
I was hoping it'd be an indication like black tongues in sheep.
So I've been quietly hoping for something wild to hatch!!

Now I just hope it's a female.

The hen did know what she was doing leaving the
All the broodies are under a year old and this is their first time being broody.

I checked the last two guinea eggs. One's cracking!

Below is what they look like cracking out of the shell. Definitely different than a chick pip.
I think the second egg may be dead...but I'll be patient, especially with what Mike said earlier.
Thanks Mike!!

ughhh I had a bunch of them like that and DIS couldnt get out! I should have had humidity much much higher during hatch like 80+ no yellow goop or anything so I did everything right, just perhaps only thing I can do is more humidity at hatch
I was bummed but for the first time and not turning much cause of being sick I cant complain I guess, I just wish I would have assisted these guys.

I got seven AND LEARNED A LESSON....... guniea egg shells are HARD AS ROCKS and I should have kept humidity much higher I had so many absorbed but couldnt get out, those shells are amazingly tough!!


v 7 is typical sometimes like her mother had 13

Video baby monitor. You can get them as cheap as $20!
yeppers!! cant beat them!! CL special!

Quote: lovely paint job too!

My daughter is excited for more turkeys
awwwwww How cute!!!

The third keet egg hatched late this afternoon.
I just happened to look in and it was in front of her, wet and getting cold
barnie.gif I swooped it up and put it under the first broody with the first two keets.
I was a surprised when I checked back later because it wasn't a normal colored keet like I
It has a white belly and wings.

I found the following color chart for guineas in the guinea section of BYC.
Maybe it's a royal purple?? Pied??

Does anyone know if keets are like a chick and don't need feed asap?
Or do they need food right away?

I took them from the broody for tonight to make sure they get food and water.
I gave her another egg....(shhhhh, she doesn't suspect a
Hopefully I did the right thing.

I thought the air cells on the 4 unmarked eggs looked pretty big.
Checked tonight; one's internally pipped and the rest look ready too.
So I upped the humidity and checked back when the broodies hatched the first chicks. (these are eggs started the day I was gone.)
Yep, they're due on Tuesday...
awwwww and three dif colors! congrats!

My broody hatched 8 chicks. 2 bantam barnyard mix, 5 LF barnyard mix, and 1 light brahma.

Look at that last one!!!! feeties!!!!
Don't think I posted a update here. Picked up some eggs sat to replace the ones I fried. 8 EE, and 3 dzn mixed color giant cochin. turner only holds 41 so total set was the 8 EE and 33 of the giant cochin. Broody is still sitting tight. Unfortunately she cracked 2 of the eggs she was on so that only leaves 2. One of the ones she cracked looked pretty close to hatch but I didn't catch it soon enough. Should be sometime soon but I forget when she started sitting.

so pretty!
This is the EE that hatched last night I am hoping that it was fathered by our silky roo..

Two of the six guinea eggs in the mini incubator have hatched. I expect number 3 at any time.


The new family.

All ten. One isn't looking too good, but we'll see how it does. The silver partridge-type chick is very precocious, pulling on mom's feathers and comb.
so pretty a momma too!

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