MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

My Cochin pen has been broody for over a week now. Problem is their nests are empty! Hello, Ladies! Lay an egg first!
<a href="/u/162672/Sally-Sunshine" data-huddler-embed="href" data-huddler-embed-layout="inline">@Sally Sunshine</a> - Update on my hatch...I had 8 hatch. 17 set, 9 showed signs of life, 8 hatched

Can't upload pic from my phone

4 silver laced orpingtons
2 chocolate orpingtons
2 lavender cuckoo orpingtons


I had two poults hatch over the weekend. Not many but most of my girls took a break for a few weeks.

This one, I didn't hatch but is a guest at our house at the moment lol


Total count so far:
1 chick
3 pips
1 internal pip
The broodies might have a 100% hatch!

About a week and a half old, no losses so far. I think all of the ones I was hoping would be pullets are actually cockerels, they've already started mock sparring.

#2 out when i got up. Nothing from egg #3 that was moving early yesterday.i shall give it 1 more day maybe she is just slow.


Look what arrived today!!!!! Well short 2 blue orpingtons but the rest are fluffy butts. Heat pack in bottom. Btw it is 90 here today lol. They are eating and drinking now. I couldnt wait for them to get to levelland tomorrow so i drove 40 miles to Lubbock and picked them up one stop short of tbeir destination. Lol im so impatient.... but really i have a procedure tomorrow and will be in the hospital and couldn't pick them up until late tomorrow.

5 toes check these are salmon faveroles

Barred plymouth rock

White marans or blue splash marans

And this one is which ever the one above is not!

Brown leghorn

And last but not least
A blue andalusian

Great pics!
Hey hey the gangs all here

Including my 2 little croads
how cute!

He is finally growing his beard. This millie fleur d'Uccle roo was hatched just before the Easter HAL. It took so long for the beard feathers to start growing I thought he may never get them, lol. He still hasn't learned to crow even though he hears the grown roos crowing every morning.
fantastic image!
I have a question for anyone that knows...

This is my first time working with shipped eggs, but, I am still not seeing air cells in most of my eggs. What does that mean? Does it indicate they are "scrambled"? Today is Day 4, and I did a quick candle this morning to see if the air cells were developing, and only see air cells in two of them (and veining in those two - YAY!).
My 2nd chick for this week hatched. Right on the day it was due. It was another EE eggs I was hoping fathered by the silky roo.. The good news is the one that I posted the other day from my EE hen looked like this and by feather sexing it is predicted to be a pullett.. we shall see.

What adorable chicks! I swear this thread has the best images ever!!

So many cute chicks!! And broodies everywhere! Well, except here. No broodies here. <sigh>

Well, I just locked down my last batch due in May, 11 Isabelle leghorns and three ayam cemanis. Of course I already have a million eggs due in June, lol. Next batch after this one hatches June 4th.
Good Luck !!!! jealous I so want those isabelle!!

My Cochin pen has been broody for over a week now. Problem is their nests are empty! Hello, Ladies! Lay an an first!
LOL I tell the serama that all the time!! I swear she has about ten broodies most days!! and we keep switching them out!!!

I have a question for anyone that knows...

This is my first time working with shipped eggs, but, I am still not seeing air cells in most of my eggs. What does that mean? Does it indicate they are "scrambled"? Today is Day 4, and I did a quick candle this morning to see if the air cells were developing, and only see air cells in two of them (and veining in those two - YAY!).
I know you know how to candle correctly from the fat end of the egg so I wont go there, but what is your humidity at? what breeds are they?
My burbon red hen went broody yesterday on 11 turkey eggs in an old dogiloo doghouse! I have the entrance half blocked by turning it into the fence and then I made a narrow hall from some old wood and made it like a tunnel and so that dog can't get to them, and the turkeys just love laying along the fence in hidden places so I didn't have to force them to lay there. I expect the other turkey hen to join the broody soon, they had a broody party before.yay for more turkeys! We will see how they do this time...
My burbon red hen went broody yesterday on 11 turkey eggs in an old dogiloo doghouse! I have the entrance half blocked by turning it into the fence and then I made a narrow hall from some old wood and made it like a tunnel and so that dog can't get to them, and the turkeys just love laying along the fence in hidden places so I didn't have to force them to lay there. I expect the other turkey hen to join the broody soon, they had a broody party before.yay for more turkeys! We will see how they do this time...
oh how cool!!! Good luck with her!! hope the other starts soon too!
Well, I just locked down my last batch due in May, 11 Isabelle leghorns and three ayam cemanis. Of course I already have a million eggs due in June, lol. Next batch after this one hatches June 4th.
Good luck!

Well, their late switch into the hatcher didn't hurt them too, too badly. Quailsplosion in my hatcher overnight xD 32 eggs went into the hatcher two days ago and not all of them are out, but enough where I can't count them all yet xD

Edit: ended up pulling eggshells out because they kept kicking them over the unhatched eggs and I have 25 little escaped eggs. Seven more went into lockdown this morning with one already pipping!

My Cochin pen has been broody for over a week now. Problem is their nests are empty! Hello, Ladies! Lay an an first!

My burbon red hen went broody yesterday on 11 turkey eggs in an old dogiloo doghouse! I have the entrance half blocked by turning it into the fence and then I made a narrow hall from some old wood and made it like a tunnel and so that dog can't get to them, and the turkeys just love laying along the fence in hidden places so I didn't have to force them to lay there. I expect the other turkey hen to join the broody soon, they had a broody party before.yay for more turkeys! We will see how they do this time...
Our other black Ameraucana went broody yesterday... More vocal than Sicky was. Debating on giving her eggs or not. She was the one that would pretend to be broody when Sicky would get off her nest once in a while

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