MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Wow, back, and can't catch up! Had a Navy Grandson get married last night. Will share a photo..because it's a classic pose of the
sailor kissing .. this is his new wife.
Congratulations to them both!!! So beautiful!
Well, have my silkie eggs going into lock down this Sunday. Crossing fingers they hatch well. I'm due for a good silkie hatch.
Xx fingers crossed xx
Well I come out with a hatch of 75 out of 96 eggs. Here are some photos.
Sizzle chick
Polish/Nsked Neck cross. Fully feathered.
Just some random babies.
Here are some fully feathered ones also. Both parents were Naked Necked, but had big bibs, some all five chicks from that cross turned out without the naked Necks. Boo. Oh well pullets will work if that is what they are to be bred back to NN's.
Congrats pretty babies
Updates: There were 7 chicks born this week of my staggered eggs. There are currently 2 brown eggs from one of my hens and 2 EE eggs from my Easter Egger in the incubator due to hatch this holiday weekend. Of the turkeys due the 26th hatched on the 25th one weak and floppy. I have been playing nurse to the weaker one after reading on BYC about Floppy chick syndrome. Now however I am afraid either it has a respiratory thing or it has aspirated when I dipped its beak or syringe fed it as I am hearing a little weird noise that wasn't there yesterday.
good luck for the rest of your hatch sorry about this one
This is Daisy. Our daughter is naming them as they hatch, of course :)
This is Periwinkle. She is a Lavender Orpington. There is another Lavender Orpington zipping now. The other four aren't pipped yet. Two Ameracauna mixes were pipped this morning and haven't hatched yet. No pips on any of the three Russian Orloffs, the big green Ameracauna mix, or the FBCM. It's getting a bit crazy in there, the unhatched eggs are getting kicked around quite a bit, but it's not recommended to remove chicks if others are pipped, correct? The black one that hatched at noon is very active.
yayyyy chickies!!
Of the turkeys due the 26th hatched on the 25th one weak and floppy. I have been playing nurse to the weaker one after reading on BYC about Floppy chick syndrome. Now however I am afraid either it has a respiratory thing or it has aspirated when I dipped its beak or syringe fed it as I am hearing a little weird noise that wasn't there yesterday.

Sadly my little poult passed this morning
Woo hoo! I am having a great hatch!
I have 4 of my very special silkies (mom is blue best of show, and hasn't laid for two years, because she is older, so I am very happy!)
5 rocks, 3 more black silkies from my black roo and blue/splash mammas, and 2 Ameraucanas! 1 more baby to go and I will be at a 100% hatch, minus two that died in the shells during very early development.

I haven't been on for a bit because I had a huge assignment due for school. I am so glad to have that done!
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Woo hoo! I am having a great hatch! :weee  I have 4 of my very special silkies (mom is blue best of show, and hasn't laid for two years, because she is older, so I am very happy!) :love  5 rocks, 3 more black silkies from my black roo and blue/splash mammas, and 2 Ameraucanas! 1 more baby to go and I will be at a 100% hatch, minus two that died in the shells during very early development.

I haven't been on for a bit because I had a huge assignment due for school. I am so glad to have that done! :celebrate  

Well I come out with a hatch of 75 out of 96 eggs.
Here are some photos.

Sizzle chick

Polish/Nsked Neck cross. Fully feathered.

Just some random babies.

Here are some fully feathered ones also. Both parents were Naked Necked, but had big bibs, some all five chicks from that cross turned out without the naked Necks. Boo. Oh well pullets will work if that is what they are to be bred back to NN's.


@Sally Sunshine
Do you have anymore pictures of Harmony Ann's seramas? I just adore her little frizzles!
just whats on here I think, I need to get rid of the old pics of her stock she dont have anymore though lol

There were 7 chicks born this week of my staggered eggs.
There are currently 2 brown eggs from one of my hens and 2 EE eggs from my Easter Egger in the incubator due to hatch this holiday weekend.

Of the turkeys due the 26th hatched on the 25th one weak and floppy. I have been playing nurse to the weaker one after reading on BYC about Floppy chick syndrome. Now however I am afraid either it has a respiratory thing or it has aspirated when I dipped its beak or syringe fed it as I am hearing a little weird noise that wasn't there yesterday.

This is Daisy. Our daughter is naming them as they hatch, of course

This is Periwinkle. She is a Lavender Orpington. There is another Lavender Orpington zipping now. The other four aren't pipped yet.

Two Ameracauna mixes were pipped this morning and haven't hatched yet.

No pips on any of the three Russian Orloffs, the big green Ameracauna mix, or the FBCM.

It's getting a bit crazy in there, the unhatched eggs are getting kicked around quite a bit, but it's not recommended to remove chicks if others are pipped, correct? The black one that hatched at noon is very active.
Let them in for a bit!

I think Bielfelders look pretty similar to this, right?
I would think, very similar chickens

Day 20 and it's early but nada still. Getting worried! Babies please be ok!

Quote: oh no, so sorry wabbit

Woo hoo! I am having a great hatch!
I have 4 of my very special silkies (mom is blue best of show, and hasn't laid for two years, because she is older, so I am very happy!)
5 rocks, 3 more black silkies from my black roo and blue/splash mammas, and 2 Ameraucanas! 1 more baby to go and I will be at a 100% hatch, minus two that died in the shells during very early development.

I haven't been on for a bit because I had a huge assignment due for school. I am so glad to have that done!
Glad you have completed your assignment!! Congrats on a great hatch too!!
Sadly my little poult passed this morning
so sorry!! :hugs

Woo hoo! I am having a great hatch! :weee  I have 4 of my very special silkies (mom is blue best of show, and hasn't laid for two years, because she is older, so I am very happy!) :love  5 rocks, 3 more black silkies from my black roo and blue/splash mammas, and 2 Ameraucanas! 1 more baby to go and I will be at a 100% hatch, minus two that died in the shells during very early development.

I haven't been on for a bit because I had a huge assignment due for school. I am so glad to have that done! :celebrate  
Good morning, everyone!

We have six hatched, two pipped, two zipping, five still unpipped. Day 21 ends at noon. We're warming up the brooder and will move the drier chicks later this morning. The relative humidity outside here right now is 89% We have the windows open without the AC on, so humidity loss is unlikely.

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