MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Oh my what did I do? Bought 12 lavender orp hatching eggs! Again to be shipped on june 7th! Who needs some baby chicks? I need a june HAL!!!!!

We just hatched five of them and they're so cute! Good luck with yours.
oh I love my annabelle lavender orp. Problem is I already have 42 eggs coming in that week! Now I'm going to have to run both incubators!

Hatch update:
Ten dry chicks transferred to brooder this evening.

5 Lavender Orpingtonst
5 Ameracauna/Barred Rock/Australorp mix (Two black, two yellow, one blue? with yellow wings)

Does anyone have a picture of a blue chick?

Two of the Russian Orloffs finally hatched and they are so tiny and cute, but VERY vocal and were not impressed with their curious older siblings. They stayed in the incubator with the other Orloff egg which pipped on the wrong end, but was making progress when I went to put our girl to bed. There are two unpipped still, one Lavender Orpington and the one French Black Copper Marans that made it to lockdown. Hoping for three new chicks in the incubator tomorrow morning, but am happy with the 12/15 we got so far.

We had one weak Lavender Orpington, but she was eating and drinking, just sleeping more than the others in the brooder.

Thank you all again for your encouragement and making me feel welcome as a first timer
Nice JOB!!
oh I love my annabelle lavender orp. Problem is I already have 42 eggs coming in that week! Now I'm going to have to run both incubators!

You have officially crossed the line. Now you will wonder how you didn't run both incubators at the same time all the time. Then you will accidentally mess up and order too many eggs and need a third incubator. Next thing you know you are looking at cabinets...Just saying
Sorry it's been so long may has been really busy for me and the family. I lockdown 10 eggs (4 ayam and 6 SLP) 2 days ago and now I have 1 SLP out 2 more SLP pips and 1 Ayam pip. Getting excited!!!!

Hatch update:
Ten dry chicks transferred to brooder this evening.

5 Lavender Orpingtonst
5 Ameracauna/Barred Rock/Australorp mix (Two black, two yellow, one blue? with yellow wings)

Does anyone have a picture of a blue chick?

Two of the Russian Orloffs finally hatched and they are so tiny and cute, but VERY vocal and were not impressed with their curious older siblings. They stayed in the incubator with the other Orloff egg which pipped on the wrong end, but was making progress when I went to put our girl to bed. There are two unpipped still, one Lavender Orpington and the one French Black Copper Marans that made it to lockdown. Hoping for three new chicks in the incubator tomorrow morning, but am happy with the 12/15 we got so far.

We had one weak Lavender Orpington, but she was eating and drinking, just sleeping more than the others in the brooder.

Thank you all again for your encouragement and making me feel welcome as a first timer

A blue chick..with yellow? Could be a splash!

Here are some of some silkies I hatched. See the dark blue..third one over? No yellow. Then, the next to last is a light blue, with yellow..a splash..then the last is just a light blue.
Here is my blue one. Dark blue with yellow chest?

And here it is with one of the black ones for comparison.

These eggs were from a mixed flock of Ameracauna, Barred Rock, and Australorp with multiple roosters, so could be any color, correct? I'm new to chickens, but am a biologist so very interested in the genetics.

Here's one of the Russian Orloffs, Oksana.

Periwinkle, one of the Lavender Orpingtons.

Daffodil, one of the mixed breed chicks, and the first to hatch, being petted by our daughter the "chicken mom" :)

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