MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Glad I didn't rely on my broody to sit while we were gone... She was up off the nest and on the roost last night. She kicked up a fuss yesterday afternoon after we got home when I marked the eggs she was sitting on. This morning they were ice cold- hadn't been there all night. So they've been candled, no development, and eaten for breakfast this morning.
Glad I didn't rely on my broody to sit while we were gone... She was up off the nest and on the roost last night. She kicked up a fuss yesterday afternoon after we got home when I marked the eggs she was sitting on. This morning they were ice cold- hadn't been there all night. So they've been candled, no development, and eaten for breakfast this morning.
sorry to hear that!
We've had so much fun this May. Our first chicken, salmon favorelle, went broody, so we gave her 5 chicks to adopt - they are doing great! Then another chicken went broody so a friend asked if we would hatch out some of her buckeye chicks. They hatched this past weekend - three buckeyes and two possible frizzles! We also had a third hen go broody, our austrolorp, so we gave her 13 eggs to hatch, a mix of chocolate orphington, chocolate cuckoo orpington, and bbs orpingtons! Two more weeks to go!


So now I have 2 ayam and 4 SLP!!! Super excited.
My phone won't let me do pictures.

I bought a new flashlight to try and candle my super dark olive eggs, and I still can't see a thing inside them! Can't even see air cells. So I guess I just hope for the best ? ? ? Can't even tell if they are fertile or not at this point. I have turned them every which way trying to get a good view inside, but still nothing. Frustrating. The flashlight works great for my Lavender Orpington eggs though. I took another picture of the suspected blood ring (it only goes half way around, so does that mean the chick started but quit?).

Olive Egg....Day 7 candle

Suspected blood ring ? ? ? Is it time to give up and remove it? (Day 7 candle)

looks like a blood ring... if not sure and dont stink save and toss later when you can tell for sure!

Chicks are really enjoying the perches and dust bath/grit pit we added yesterday. We also let our daughter give them some bits of clover, grass, and dandelions and a few tiny worms. They were so funny playing keep away with the grass flowers.

Have any of you used dirt as bedding? We're still using non slip drawer liner, but they're getting it dirty pretty quickly. We bought a bale of pine shavings. I was thinking a mix of dirt and shavings, then can add bedding and stir it up to bury the droppings, change it all out a few times a week.

They're in our large mud room, which will be remodeled soon so not too worried about dust. We have a few in progress landscaping projects, so have lots of dirt, and we don't use chemicals in our yard.
CUTIES!!!! CONGRATS!! no dirt that I can use here.... either papertowels as littles or pine shavings dont see it should be an issue except its not absorbant and may get muddy or have cocci in it

Well, Day 20 here and no chicks yet. No pips in the incubator, as expected, and no chicks under the broody. Come on chickies! Hatch!

my broody marans momma with her 7 keets out for a stroll. Three weeks old today.


I have 3 more pips!
I have ones Serama out and a Silkie and a Serama egg zipping! I have 5 more pips!

YAY!!!! Go chickies go!!!! What day are you on now?

I lock down some seabrights, some bantam EEs, and a bunch of my backyard mix eggs tomorrow. The Seramas went int 3 days later, but at my last candle it looks like only 2 of 6 are viable. I have 2 dozen more eggs to set....just waiting for room in the incubator!
I've got eggs under a broody that where given to me by cjwaldon. I put some in my Brinsea and will give them to her on lock down so she can raise them. They aren't due till June 14th. My little momma to be is doing very well. She was moved to an empty dog pen and we made her a big nice nest inside a dog house so her and her eggs stay dry and the pen is covered with chicken wire and a tarp to keep critters out as well as rain. Before the babies hatch I'll install some hardware cloth around the bottom so the chicks can't get out so they stay safe with their mom.

Our first hatch of May! It's from our black silkie hen! So excited!
CONGRATS so cute!Q!

Weeeeell im just squeezing in here at the end

My little indian runner mama had been laying on some eggs for about a week now in some ferns in our yard, so we just let her be since this was her first time. Sadly and totally my fault, she drowned when she fell into a fairly large tote that had been collecting water and couldnt get out on sunday
she was already quite small and since nesting she seemed to get weaker even though i saw her get up to eat and drink. After we buried her i raided the nest and put all 13 of the eggs in my little diy incubator and hoped for the best. Sunday evening i candled them and i could see heartbeats!! Comparing to pics, theyre around the 6-8 day mark. Ive only incubated chicks before so im hopig its somewhat similar! I have the temperature sorted but just wantes to confirm that the higher humidity number i see is for wet bulb testing? What is the actual number with a regular hydrometer? I dont have a fan if that means anything. As well, im only able to turn 3x a day... can this still work?

Thanks all
WELCOME Over!! ohhhhh I am so sorry about the duckmomma!!! good luck with the babies!!!

Quote: OMG and the duck poop? lol how cute!
YAY!!!!  Go chickies go!!!!   What day are you on now?

I lock down some seabrights, some bantam EEs, and a bunch of my backyard mix eggs tomorrow.  The Seramas went int 3 days later, but at my last candle it looks like only 2 of 6 are viable.   I have 2 dozen more eggs to set....just waiting for room in the incubator!

I'm on day 20. I the Silkie looks blue! I'll take pics when it is fluffy, I have 2 other Serama pips and three more Silkie pips! I ran this whole hatch dry (30%-35%) and I have had the most successful hatch yet! I raised the humidity to 60% for lockdown. Even with the seramas!
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