MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

He caught you chaos!
He's a she
Another silkie chick hatched.
That brings my total count to 3 serama chicks and 5 silkie chicks. I have 2 more silkie pips and one serama with a internal pip. which would leave 3 dud eggs. But that is still pretty good!
Another silkie chick hatched.
That brings my total count to 3 serama chicks and 5 silkie chicks. I have 2 more silkie pips and one serama with a internal pip. which would leave 3 dud eggs. But that is still pretty good!
YAYYY!!! sorry about the duds
Here you go @Sally Sunshine
Four and five day old chicks roosting

And a few minutes later. Lol, they don't all stay on when they fall asleep. Some are better at balancing than others.

Our blue little blue likely cockerel, "Minnie", surveying from his lookout spot while everyone else goes crazy over spaghetti. Last night, we were watching TV and heard a chick cheeping very loudly. I went in the mud room to make sure one wasn't hurt, and Minnie was up on this brick with his neck stretched up to the sky screaming his fool head off.

And finally, five day old Periwinkle the Lavender Orpington enjoying a dust bath.

I see chick starter, peas, spaghetti and maybe clover in the brooder? Is the dust bath dirt?
I have another silkie chick! After the last one hatches I am going to candle and see if the others are alive, if not I get to clean my incubator a whole ENTIRE DAY EARLY
! That makes me happy
Here you go @Sally Sunshine
Four and five day old chicks roosting

And a few minutes later. Lol, they don't all stay on when they fall asleep. Some are better at balancing than others.

Our blue little blue likely cockerel, "Minnie", surveying from his lookout spot while everyone else goes crazy over spaghetti. Last night, we were watching TV and heard a chick cheeping very loudly. I went in the mud room to make sure one wasn't hurt, and Minnie was up on this brick with his neck stretched up to the sky screaming his fool head off.

And finally, five day old Periwinkle the Lavender Orpington enjoying a dust bath.
awwwww I love the brick idea!!! Congrats!!! whats in the bath tub?

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