MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

It hatched! It seems to have an open navel, though, & is bleeding a little. I'll have to look up what to do for that. My last hatch the chicks had navel issues, too, and they were all fine, so I think she will be ok.
NAVELS She HATCHED! But what's with her butt? post #25012
hope she is ok!

@Sally Sunshine Whoa! That's a whole lot of information I didn't even think to look up. Funny thing is that was my 5th clutch of CCL's at the same temps and RH's, but the 1st time having that bad of a hatch rate, and the last 2 had no losses, I believe. I totally believe you and promptly got up after reading this and went and adjusted the temp and RH in the new Brinsea that's holding the next CCL's and BBCM's. I'm afraid maybe my old Brinsea bator is dying, hence the bad hatch. It's so old they don't sell parts for anymore. The new clutch waiting to hatch are eggs I had shipped from OK, and once again, my box was beat up, and the inside of the eggs show it. I was expecting a maximum hatch rate of 50%, so I'm happy with my 16 out of 28 so far. As for calibrating, I have no idea how to do it, but I expected Brinsea to have done it at the factory. I'm sure I was wrong again!
oh no! do you think its temps is adjusting on you>? perhaps eves? that stinks they are so expensive to buy! you know I swear by my wafer thermostat cooler bators! lol

i have a muscovy hen that has been laying for the past week and a half and is now trying to go broody on a ceramic egg but we dont have a drake should i put some turkey or chicken eggs under her??
I cant help with this, not sure if ducks can raise turkey, and they take longer than chicken so pick one or other is my guess?

I so want this cup for my MOM!!

ha ha ha she is so miserable without her coffee.... oh wait or is that me????


I so want this cup for my MOM!!

ha ha ha she is so miserable without her coffee.... oh wait or is that me????


This is my favourite mug, sadly the handle is cracked so I can't use it, but oh, how I love it.... It is now relegated to pencil holder and chick prop!

(It says "Promise me anything but give me chocolate")
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I so want this cup for my MOM!!

ha ha ha she is so miserable without her coffee.... oh wait or is that me????


I am getting so awesome right now.

I went to check on the hen outside and I saw she has a chick! I am going to check on this little one that hatched inside & then give her to the mama if her navel looks good. Probably put some neosporin on it in any case. It did not look bad last night, just a few drops of blood, so I think she'll be ok. Bielefelders are supposed to be sex linked but it's not actually clear to me if the chick is male or female but I'm guessing female.

She is really big and strong; she was running around the bator like 15 minutes after she hatched & jumping up to peck the top! She wants out of there.
Quote: I just assumed their own eggs and if she hatched them fine, if she wasn't successful not a big deal. I would not give her eggs I bought or really wanted to hatch though. You would also need to take the poults or chicks away right after they hatch. I shouldn't post before I have at least 1 cup of coffee in me. lol
Our smallest Russian Orloff, Svetlana has a watery eye this morning :( She was the one who pipped the wrong end of the egg and is almost a full day younger than the others. No goopy discharge or cloudiness, and she's not acting sick. Still eating, drinking, and grooming. I'm hoping it's just irritation. She does get pecked a lot being the smallest, so maybe she got pecked in the eye? We had some sterile lubricant eye ointment, so I put a dab on with a qtip. If she's not improving this afternoon, I'll get some antibiotic ointment at the feed store. Any other ideas? Don't really want to separate her since it doesn't seem contagious.

We did add a mirror to distract them from pecking her. It was a hit!

"Does this mirror make my cheeks look fat?"

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