May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

Well I decided to remove the other eggs. I know I know, call it instinct, sometimes I hate being right. So here is my results from this hatch.
15 shipped 13 fertile 10 went into lock down. I have one quitter and 7 internal pips and died. They all pipped into the side of the egg, very low. I assume this happened last night. I never heard and peeping till this morning. And these 2 are not out of the woods yet. You can still see a lot of blood vessels around the membrane. But they are breathing and I am keeping the membrane moist. You can see a small amount of bleeding where they broke through the membrane. Right now they must be resting and absorbing the rest of the blood. I sure hope they make it. I would guess as long as they are warm and breathing they are ok. They dont seem to be making the moves to hatch. So I guess this is like a LARGE pip hole!

See their little beeks? The shell is almost completely gone on the other side where the huge aircell went down the egg. Top egg has a little corn starch where I put pressure and stopped the bleeding. They are loud, but just not quite
Is that your tolbunt eggs with the wonky air cells? Mine are due in three days... I just want to get it over with
Sad news this morning....
Three of the four that hatched yesterday died. makes 5 out of the hatch.....
I just do not understand......................all have been weak.......................
No apparent signs..................just like they went to sleep and didn't wake up.
Incubator had been sterilized. the ones that have made it are fine.11 of them........
Have one drying and one pip from last night...................
I just cannot figure it out........................
. Well to some just shooting them might sound a little harsh but when WE you know the smart humans took away the only natural predator that kept there populations in check it is up to us the smart humans to act to balance out the lack of predation if we don't we have the problem of over population just saying
farmer here says he avoids trouble with predators by feeding them!
he actually breeds/prepares extra animals just for the predators
they eat at a feeding station at a back corner of his property and rarely venture near his stock
guess it might work, if one has plenty of property
wonder if it doesn't backfire due to 'more food =more offspring"?

read about your costly losses fellow BYCers, wish there was something i could do to help... wishing you all the best on future hatches
i'm going to take the advice and look for more local chicks instead of shipped eggs
i do like having the boxes marked all over with "LIVE EMBRYOS" .
Sad news this morning....
Three of the four that hatched yesterday died. makes 5 out of the hatch.....
I just do not understand......................all have been weak.......................
No apparent signs..................just like they went to sleep and didn't wake up.
Incubator had been sterilized. the ones that have made it are fine.11 of them........
Have one drying and one pip from last night...................
I just cannot figure it out........................

I guess sometimes we will never know. So sorry! And then we have eggs pipping at days 18 & 19!!!

I know this is not chicken related, but I am so proud of this guy!!
My husband John, daughter in law Emilee, grand daughter Brynn, son John, daughter Danielle and grand daughter Lillian. Graduate from George Washington University, and US Air Force Vet, he did it all on his GI Bill and took care of his family. He is an awesome young man if I may BRAG!

I know this is not chicken related, but I am so proud of this guy!!
My husband John, daughter in law Emilee, grand daughter Brynn, son John, daughter Danielle and grand daughter Lillian. Graduate from George Washington University, and US Air Force Vet, he did it all on his GI Bill and took care of his family. He is an awesome young man if I may BRAG!
I know this is not chicken related, but I am so proud of this guy!! L-R My husband John, daughter in law Emilee, grand daughter Brynn, son John, daughter Danielle and grand daughter Lillian. Graduate from George Washington University, and US Air Force Vet, he did it all on his GI Bill and took care of his family. He is an awesome young man if I may BRAG!
congrats to the grad !
I just received a message from the seller of my eggs. She has offered to replace them for shipping cost only. I am still shocked. These are very expensive eggs! I am having these insured and HELD at the Post Office.

This is something I have learned the hard way. I guess I need to make a thread about shipped
that's cool jac , the breeder offers me replacement Sussex in July also

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