MAY "SHARE A LAUGH! " ~Land of the Free Because of the brave HAL w/hosts Mike & Sally

Morning humor.. I should always wear my glasses when reading anything... I thought one of the titles off to the side of one of these pages said "sexting eggs"... Um it said Sexing eggs...... been reading too many news articles about issues at schools with teens and electronics I guess.... Took me a minute to stop wondering how the eggs were 'sexting'...
Putting my glasses on before reading further
Quote: he he he

Morning humor.. I should always wear my glasses when reading anything... I thought one of the titles off to the side of one of these pages said "sexting eggs"... Um it said Sexing eggs...... been reading too many news articles about issues at schools with teens and electronics I guess.... Took me a minute to stop wondering how the eggs were 'sexting'...
Putting my glasses on before reading further
LMAO sounds like me!!

can you imagine!!


this is cute!

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