Maybe Barred Rock? Sex Link?


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 4, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
I thought at first she might be Barred Rock, but I don't know, she doesn't look much like the barred rock chicks I had last year and no barring on her feathers. So maybe sex link?? She's a stray chick that I picked up today and I'm just wondering if anyone knows what breed she might be. Also, how old do you think? 4/6 weeks?

She is really sweet and friendly and yes, I know she shouldn't have corn, I need to wait until monday to get to the mill so she will survive for a day on mash, corn and grass!

Thank you! I had no idea since it was a random chick that my sister found roaming around her house. It could be a mix. Guess I'll wait a few more months and see what she turns into!
Well darn! Oh well, if she is a he then my cousin will be happy! He likes to get all of my extra roosters for his yard :) My little banty hen adopted her/him and is happily mothering away :)

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