Me Against Eggland's Best UPDATE #51

The origins of that flu and 99.9% of others is from villages in China to be exact. 6-8 months before a flu vaccine comes out for the year, they go to villages and test for the flu strain that is most prevalent. They take those few strains and base the current year of vaccines on it.

Regardless of where you are in the world, close quarters always spread disease. Asia having a high population density spreads disease much faster than the US for example, because of the concentrations of humans. The spread due to close quarters is why there are such strict rules on what and who goes in and out of poultry houses.

Vitamins and a balance diet in general helps with immunity. D is provided through diet of caged birds in the end is metabolically identical to that generated in our skin.
Well, I agree. They could at least say "the best supermarket egg," rather than implying that their eggs are the best eggs you can buy.
I would think your market and Eggland's are distinct.

You want the niche market of people who want locally and humanely raised, hand-delivered, leass than a week old eggs, people who will pay a premium or go out of their way for those gourmet eggs.

Eggland wants the supermarket shopper who wants a slightly healthier egg than is typically available in a supermarket. They will pay some premium for them, but not go out of their way.

You are not trying to appeal to the same market. Let Eggland have their own consumers. Your operation could not hope to supply all their customers with eggs.

I actually thought Eggland's response was very good, kind of them to reply at all.

Don't get me wrong, love my birds, treat them right, love the eggs.

But Eggland is trying to mass-produce a healthier egg than the kind typically available in stores. I think they are doing that and they have data to back up their claims.

I cannot speak to the treatment of their hens, and Eggland does not in their response because your letter was strictly about the quality of the eggs.

Relax a bit. Get tests and facts done on your own stock and eggs before you confront them again.

Example: can any of us currently guarantee our birds are free from Salmonella? Eggland can because they vaccinate.

You need to have documented facts before you accuse them of lying.

I'm afraid you sound very angry, but it is difficult to see why. Did you lose a customer to eggland?
I think it depends. Not every community has a large foodie contingent. Some areas do not have as distinct of a market.

So who is eating raw eggs? I guess some people do. But Salmonella shouldn't be a huge issue for most people. I certainly wouldn't eat a supermarket egg raw, even an EB egg.
doesn't vitamin D (from sunshine) help with immunity

Yes it does. As far as getting it from diet, the amount required for humans has been so grossly miscalculated I have little faith they are getting the amount for poultry correct

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