Mean Barred Rock Chick!!!


9 Years
Dec 4, 2010
Cairo, Ga
One of my Barred Rock chicks that I got today from Stromberg's would not quit pecking at the eyes of the White Rocks and Buff Rocks!!
It did not peck at the eyes of the Gold Wyndottes or the other Barred Rocks. I had to separate the BRs from the others. Do they usually quit this type of activity?
I'm bumping this one back to the top.

I'll be picking up my BR chicks tomorrow and I would like to know if this is common behavior from the breed....
Sounds like you've got one already trying to establish a pecking order. I agree that it needs to be separated out, but if there's a way to separate it so that it can still see the other chicks, and vice versa, that might be a good thing. That way it can observe that they are not a threat and can see how they socialize. Its behavior might not modify, in which case you may need to sell or give it away, but it's worth a shot. Good luck.. Cairo, GA, do they still have that wonderful kaleidoscope shop down there?
Kaleidoscope shop? I am not familiar with one, I have lived here for 23 years. Thanks to all who responded. I have separated the Barred Rocks from the others. I had a piece of plywood between them, but my wife and I just talked about putting a piece of hardware cloth so they could see each other and maybe get along eventually.
We got 19 barred rocks last year as packing peanuts, and they were the meanest darn SOB's. We processed every single one of them. I have read other peoples post saying they had nice ones so I know they can be, but I myself wouldn't want them again. Just our experience and I hope yours is different.
The Buff Rocks, Delawares and Gold Wyndottes are running around chirping and "flying", the Barred Rocks are moving around, but not as much as the others. I just sold some I bought at an auction that were 6-8 weeks old, they pecked at me everytime I reached in to change their water or feed. I too had heard how docile they were, but I guess they just aren't for me.
You all are scaring me. I have 12 week and a half old chicks which 4 are the BR. I am not having any of the trouble you all are talking about and now am wondering if they will start to be mean. I have watched them for a while each day and there aren't any who are mean(er) than any of the others, SO FAR! Are the born mean or do they develop the mean streak? Sure hope I have the better ones and hope that yours turn out to be finding their pecking order and will stop being mean. Good luck with them.
It may just be the stress of shipping. My chicks picked at each other really bad on day 1 and day 2 after shipping.
During that time, they ate and drank like crazy. Day 3 . . . they were buddies and no pecking.

I really think it was the result of being stressed from shipping that made them grumpy. Once they were safe, warm, and bellies full - -- everything settled down.
I'm no chicken expert but I've been around a lot of BRs in other people's flocks and none of them have been mean. Most of the chicks I am waiting on are either Barred or partridge Plymouth Rocks so I certainly hope they are not meanies. I chose them because they seemed like such nice birds and because I liked their markings.

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