Mean, mean "Attilla the Hen"

Well... I've ordered the pinless peepers... and she's still in on the nest... maybe some time out till the blinders arrive will do her good, AND serve the dual purpose of breaking her of any broody attitude... and there can be harmony and peace again. (crossing my fingers) lol! And @MomJones, lol yes... I get really passionate about my feather hearts too! I want everyone to be happy, and healthy and act nicely... I LOVE that they have the pecking order... and this then -creates peace because everyone knows where they stand! My 10 little chicks... oh, they are just the sweetest things, and such a loving, tight knit little group! My instant, gut reaction is to protect them and I get so upset too! Trust me, the word "cook pot" has been said... lol butttttttt.... Idk if I could actually see that through... I was mad when I said it. :)
I think Attila needs a longer time out. I would leave her in the dog crate for at least 3 days, let her out and if she returns to the bad behavior, put her back right away for another 3 days. She will eventually get the point. Act like a meany, go to the dog crate. Good luck with how ever you think is the best way to handle the situation. :hugs:hugs

4 hours have elapsed since 'Attilla the Hen' went into the crate - she's got fresh water & food. Tomorrow I'll have to add a milk crate for a nesting box in case she wants to lay.

When I went to check just now, everyone was running and playing, eating, swinging on the swing, hopping up on benches, flapping and chirping happily! (vs huddled in the corner in a tight group).

So... I think tonight, I'll tarp the crate so she has a little shelter - and leave her in the crate as you suggested for the next 3 days. The difference in the flock is amazing just within these 4 hours though.
I also ordered the "Pinless Peepers" (chicken blinders) that @DobieLover suggested, and found some pretty informative videos on Youtube on their application, use and effectiveness. They seem humane, and relatively painless - and they can adapt quickly to them - for a week or 2 - as need be -while being released in with the others - to hopefully BEHAVE! Thanks to everyone for your input and suggestions! Idk what I'd do without all of you! :love
If she's broody you don't need or want a nest unless you want her to hatch eggs. She won't lay eggs until awhile after she breaks her broodiness. Just put her in with food and water, no bedding of any kind. I cover on top with a board slightly bigger than the surface of the top of the cage so other chickens can't poop on her, bigger so if it rains it helps keep rain from dripping in. At night I cover with a tarp and if it rains i only uncover the front where the door is so she isn't in total darkness.

I'm wondering if you need to use the peepers. She may stop being a bully once she stops being broody. If she's still mean then go with the peepers. It doesn't stop it but it slows them down so littles can get away.
4 hours have elapsed since 'Attilla the Hen' went into the crate - she's got fresh water & food. Tomorrow I'll have to add a milk crate for a nesting box in case she wants to lay.

When I went to check just now, everyone was running and playing, eating, swinging on the swing, hopping up on benches, flapping and chirping happily! (vs huddled in the corner in a tight group).

So... I think tonight, I'll tarp the crate so she has a little shelter - and leave her in the crate as you suggested for the next 3 days. The difference in the flock is amazing just within these 4 hours though.
I also ordered the "Pinless Peepers" (chicken blinders) that @DobieLover suggested, and found some pretty informative videos on Youtube on their application, use and effectiveness. They seem humane, and relatively painless - and they can adapt quickly to them - for a week or 2 - as need be -while being released in with the others - to hopefully BEHAVE! Thanks to everyone for your input and suggestions! Idk what I'd do without all of you! :love

This is all marvelous and clearly you're a wonderful, compassionate chicken mommy. I've calmed down greatly and am now seeing things rationally. BUT if Attila the Hen has any more violent outbursts I think you should call the police immediately and have her arrested! (pant pant)...wait, we're talking about chickens here... Gonna go find my valium.
This is all marvelous and clearly you're a wonderful, compassionate chicken mommy. I've calmed down greatly and am now seeing things rationally. BUT if Attila the Hen has any more violent outbursts I think you should call the police immediately and have her arrested! (pant pant)...wait, we're talking about chickens here... Gonna go find my valium.
Near mid-night check... and Attila is in her cage inside the coop, and the Alpha hen is sweetly sitting on the roost with all the little chicks clustered near her!!!! :D So, everyone hopefully is adjusting without the stress of Attila the hen attacking them!

I will do this for the next 3 days - and hopefully the blinders will arrive, and we'll give Attila another chance! Here's a photo of the roost - with the Alpha hen & the 10 chicks, and part of the cage with Attila in...
yay - 1.jpg
Near mid-night check... and Attila is in her cage inside the coop, and the Alpha hen is sweetly sitting on the roost with all the little chicks clustered near her!!!! :D So, everyone hopefully is adjusting without the stress of Attila the hen attacking them!

I will do this for the next 3 days - and hopefully the blinders will arrive, and we'll give Attila another chance! Here's a photo of the roost - with the Alpha hen & the 10 chicks, and part of the cage with Attila in...
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Aww, what a sweet pic! I’d love to have your camera setup!:love After telling Vespucci’s story, I went out and snapped a pic of him with his bros...He’s the black Ameraucana in the back. That’s his old rooster jail in the coop pic, on the left under the coop.


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Oh, what pretty chickens Vespucci is! And the coloring on the one in the front is just lovely too! <3 That looks like an awesome (and much easier) jail set up than what I have here... and protected from sun/rain too! Nice!
Oof... at 5:30 AM this morning (after working till near midnight) and was out there in my night gown, finagling with shifting Attila into her jail amidst all her flappery and complaining (she's NOT happy) - and get her fresh 'rations' for the day.

It was nice though - to see all the Alpha & 10 little chicks come running out of the coop, joyous, chirping and excited for the day! That really is one of my favorite parts of having chickens - they are just simply 'joyous' in the mornings - and eager to greet the new day! It's a good reminder for me to be grateful & joyous too, with so much to be thankful for.

I REALLY love the cameras in the coop & surrounding area... (I have a few) but set them up in there for my peace of mind. I can pop on my phone and peek at them no matter where I am... and perfect for mid night checks.

Here's Attila in the penalty box, and the Alpha "Ginger" near by... all overseen by my border collie "Boone".
jail - 1.jpg

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