Mebendazole dosage?

I am hesitant to give the info I have (which is for pigeons) but I do know however for this class of drug that it can cause feather abnormalities at higher doses and should not be used during the moult

>Please contact Peter Brown from First State Vet Supply ... he will be able to answer that correctly for poultry (I only have dosage info for pigeons)
You can post at his forum:
(you will need to register)
or you can send him an email> mark URGENT > dlhunicorn referred me to you in the subject line and post your question to him in the email... he will answer it (bless his soul
[email protected]
Hi, according to what I found on line, the dosage is 30 mg/kg. So for a six lb chicken, that is about 75 mgs.

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