Meet the Flock! (finally) part 2


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2022
I know it’s kind of funny to say ‘meet the flock’ when I actually have 4 separate flocks but they’re all my babies and I love them.

Flock 2 is the first flock that I raised here, but raising them was kind of sporadic. They have some weird stories!

The first four of them we got from a neighbor who had just gotten some new chicks and offered us some. They were all sexed hens, two black australorp and two silver-laced wyandottes.

Well, we knew they’d been sexed, which is why it took us a comically long amount of time to realize that one of the wyandottes, Olivia, was very definitively NOT a hen. It actually took me looking at posts on this site to figure it out despite the fact that he looked like this:

My brother renamed him Harvey after Harvey Milk, despite my protests that Harvey Milk was a gay activist and not a trans one. Ah well, the name fits and regardless of the actual historical figure’s orientation, there are few better people to be renamed after than an activist who fought for all LGBTQ+ rights.

Anyway, Harvey and his three hens are the oldest in the flock. Their names are Notos (after the roman name for the wind god) Jill (my little sister’s very favorite name) and Plum.

However, they weren’t the only ones in the flock. We also got six true blue whiting chicks, unsexed, because we hadn’t known about Harvey at that point.

Which was all well and good until I came on here with a deep dark suspicion lingering in my chest… because they were growing up and two of them I was sure of: one was obviously a hen, and the other was obviously a rooster.

The other four of them were one or the other, and just as I’d suspected, all of them turned out to be roosters.

So we’d bought these guys in the hopes of having a flock of blue egg layers, and of course ended up with only one.

The only two still in the flock are the ones who I knew were a roo and a hen from the start. The others get their own post.

The roo is named, very creatively on my part I’ll admit, Roo.

The hen is Patch, her middle name is Tokoyami after a character that she reminded me of because of the same characteristic that gave her her first name.

Along with these guys were the only hens that we could actually rely on to turn out to be hens, three lovely Olive Egger ladies.

Skully, the largest, who got her name because she has slight dark marks under her eyes that make them look like eye sockets,

Juno, the middle one, named after the Roman goddess,

and Oliver Twofeathers (not to be confused with Oliver Onefeathers) so named because as a chick she was never afraid to go hang out with the older chicks from Harvey’s flock, and my younger brother liked Oliver Twist at the time. Her second name is because I lost track of which chick was Oliver, and I couldn’t figure out if it was her or one of the True Blues, so I gave them the same first nsme and different middle names. Oliver Twofeathers had two feathers on really long little quills sticking out of her tail for the longest time and they cracked me up.

Harvey is currently moved out to be part of my new rooster flock, and that’s a whole other long story.

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