Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I got another new egg today:

It's HUGE! (The brown one in the top row middle.)

It was there first thing, and I figured it was Jenny's (my Barred Rock) because of its size, but it's color was too dark for Jenny. Then just now I was out there and Jenny was in the nest along with her regular colored egg. Can a pullet jump to such a large size egg right off the bat? (Say Aggie or Blossom?) Or is it more likely that after a week of laying small eggs, Elizabeth jumped up to what will be her normal size will be?

It's hard to see in the photo, but it is much darker than Jenny's egg, which is the one next to it on the right. It is the exact same color and texture as Elizabeth's eggs are, when they are not soft shelled. Which by the way, there was also another small brown egg first thing that looked good, but was partially soft on closer inspection. I figured that was Elizabeth's egg when I found it. But now I think the giant one might be Elizabeth's. Peppermint didn't lay her egg yesterday, so the early soft shell one could actually be hers, just late.

Well, it's all very exciting, but I guess I'll have to wait to gather more evidence before I know whose is whose. But this giant one has got to be either RIR or Wyandotte, cuz I don't think it looks like a Marans egg.
Heads up: Cream Legbar, Sweedish Flower and Blue Orp are overruns, in the bin today. The Orps were $15, I think the Legbars were $20. Quite the bargain!
Oh, and Meyers as selling this years breeding stock now. There are still some available. Prices are VERY reasonable. My trio of mottled Cochins was $16,
Trio of cream Legbars less than $50, French Marans hens $12 each. And eggs at end of season I am getting from them are about a 5. Speckles Sussex were $6, barnevelder $8. They are out of RIR $4, but still had NHR $5. They have more white eggs left than brown, and I got the last 2 blue americaunas. No other blue/green eggers now...
Speckled Sussex Roo

Roos or hens?




My leghorn hen

My Wyandottes










My Blrw Roo



Oh, and Meyers as selling this years breeding stock now. There are still some available. Prices are VERY reasonable. My trio of mottled Cochins was $16,
Trio of cream Legbars less than $50, French Marans hens $12 each. And eggs at end of season I am getting from them are about a 5. Speckles Sussex were $6, barnevelder $8. They are out of RIR $4, but still had NHR $5. They have more white eggs left than brown, and I got the last 2 blue americaunas. No other blue/green eggers now...
Wow those are great deals.

Roos or hens?

Lots of masculine looking birds, some are hard to say but for the Buff Orp I would say roo.

So Pema our Light Brahma pullet seemed a bit confused about nest box etiquette yesterday. I found her trying to share a nest box with Victoria the Dorking hen, then Baby the Buff Orp hen the back to Victoria. It was a hot day and there was a nest open. Our hens have never shared, they just wait if they want a particular spot. But that didn't seem to be it for her, because when they left she followed them. I think she was just nervous, not knowing what was going on with her body and wanted some help, lol. This morning a found a yolk on the droppings board just underneath her, not only without a shell but without a membrane. Poor dear, maybe tomorrow. Snow stopped laying after her first six eggs, been about a week :/ And our 10 year old cat had what was most likely a stroke, took him to the Animal Hospital Saturday night within an hour and the vet thinks its neurological. Poor guy can't hold his head up or stand on her legs. Giving him steroids, helping stretch him, groom and feed him though he will only lap up broth :(

Hi, all. I know I haven't been terribly active here in the past months, but I thought I would stop by and let those of you who admired her through my pictures and stories that my beloved splash Marans Frou-Frou left us today. She was one of my first chicks from Meyer's and I loved her more than I have ever loved a hen before her. I am beside myself with grief at the moment, so apologies for the lack of detail. I'm just without the words right now.
Oh no! I am so sorry! I think that I have her sister from the same hatch date. My blue splash marans is my flock favorite too! It is amazing how they can steal your heart like that
Just wanted to say thanks for the condolences. If anyone is interested in seeing a ton of pictures of my late Frou-Frou or reading about her, I've posted a memorial thread here:

Bauerdog, that makes me happy to think she might live on in her sisters. :) Her hatch date was June 11, 2012.

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