Meyer Meal Maker? Has anyone done this?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
In The Middle Of Nowhere GA
I ordered one this week - will get it in 2 weeks...will let you know what kind if I can.
I just put my order in for delivery next week and included the meal maker. I ordered 37 of the "brown layer assortment", so I won't know which one is the meal maker. I always give eggs away too, it's a nice thing for Meyer Hatchery to do. I live in a pretty poor community so there is always someone to give eggs to.
oh ok thats cool. I placed my order last night (15 broilers, 5 black australorps, 5 buff orpingtons, and 5 silver laced wyandottes) and added one to my order. I should be getting mine March 12th. I already give eggs away to a family that my family helps keep groceries in the house so hopefully this little freebie will let me be able to give away more :). I'm interested to see what we all get!
I got a meal maker and 5 other chicks. one of my chicks had it's yolk sack connected to it's belly and didn't make it. I didn't ask for another cause the meal maker was free, but now it is no longer a meal maker. The meal maker I got was Barred rock. I would still order from Meyer they have a good selection, and catalog.
That's a great idea. Whether or not I order from Meyer, I might get an extra hen so that I can give eggs away to a family down the road who would like the extra food.

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