MF D 'Ucle is acting VERY strange!!!


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
My MF Fleur D 'Uccle has been acting very strangely lately. She is about 18 months old. About three weeks ago she was making this strange noise everytime I went by her and I thought she must be afraid of me. Well she never used to be afraid of me. Then as time went on I realised that she is crowing!!! And it isnt just when I go by her. So for the last three weeks she has taken up crowing!!!

And for the last two days she is now doing the broody strut and she ripped all the feathers out of her chest and is clucking AND crowing!!!!!!

This morning I did find her on a nest, but when I am around she still comes by me and crows and clucks and dances around!!

I dont have the heart to take the eggs away, but I do not need anymore chickens. Maybe I can just give her one.

BUT, does anyone know what this is about? Or had a hen do this?
Do you know for sure that it is a hen. Because I have a Rooster that is 16 weeks, and he crows and dances, he acts like a Rooster.
He also has a RED comb on his head, and I know that the hens do not have hardly any, or none.

So if you know this, or could post a picture, I am sure it will be resolved.
Yes this one is a hen. She has been laying eggs for me for the last year.
She is a funny girl right now. I think maybe she wants to announce her broodiness?????

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