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Thank you DH has worked his booty off to get it done before he leaves for 3 weeks on training....And the chicks need to get out of his footlocker..LOL..
Congrats on the new barn
Yeah I dont plan on having chicks in the house again now... they are adorable but kinda dusty and LOUD...lol
Hi and Welcome cgtara!! It is great having someone from my area on the forum!! I'm in Fife Lake...we were just in Traverse today shopping at Sam's Club! Did you see the ad on Craigs list yesterday for a coop with feed/water dishes/fencing and 10 RIReds??? For $385.00!!! What a steal and he was in the Interlochen area!
What kind of chickens do you have??

Very pleased to meet you!!
No, I didn't see that, but I will look--for the heck of it. Our story is sad but is getting better with time. We started with 12 I believe are red-star sex link chicks that we raised from TSC, and now only have one left of the original bunch--and her name is Sweet Pea. We lost two the first year to something that killed our favorite bird and another one when they went out too early in the morning. I bet it was coyotes. We lost another to prolapse. We lost our smallest bird to a raccoon. Finally, the first day the birds got out this spring..a few weeks ago--a coyote came and killed off 6 of the eight, and left one severely wounded that we found a week later--and had put to sleep. The lone bird now has three pullets for companions that are also the same background that we just got from another member called Fred's Hens. We are pleased with them. She is not too thrilled, but we know it is better for her to have birdie buddies than what we can provide. Now she will be the alpha bird! We plan on getting more chicks very soon to add to the size of our flock. They were all pets to us that we lost, so it was major. Tell me more about your chickens.

That is sad! How awful to lose so many. I read on BYC earlier someone lost 19 I think...5 week chicks to their pet beagle!

I've had lots of different ones in the past 8 years....cuckoo maran, buckeye,buff orpingtons,barred rock, blue cochin....at present I have 5 B/B/S Orpingtons and 24 English/American B/B/S in the incubator. In May I'm getting 24 Blue Jersey Giant eggs to hatch. Out of all I hope to have about 15-18 keepers. I just bought the incubator last month and it is so cool to hatch your own!
I'll have to look up Fred? on BYC.
The storm just passed through here (1am) and woke me up...debated heading to the basement but it passed quickly and thank goodness no power outage! The hail sounded like golf balls...but I didn't get a look at it. Well... I'm going to go hit the sack ...hopefully I'll sleep through the rest of the night!

Jen it sounds like you have really got your rabbits in a nice and clean set up. Chickaboom...your new coop looks like it is shaping up great!
What a day!! Not only was the weather PERFECT, but we got a lot done!!

I bailed 2 duck ponds, cleaned rabbit hutches and duck runs/coop and the dog run. Whew, hard to believe I had major double surgery early February and I felt well enough to do all of that by myself!!

Aric finally finished Isabella the pot belly pig's run and coop today so she's no longer in the garage/barn!! She was sooo happy!!! Aric is amazing with the stuff he can build with scrap wood!!



Bella investigating her new home! She loved it so much she would go in and lay and look around like she knew she was queen!


Of course she had to start rooting. Don't worry, that fence is buried a little over a foot down!


The boys aren't liking me take water out of their pond! (If anyone has any or knows anyone that has call females, PLEASE let me know!!)


l-r Sunny, Bindi and Sandi are excited they can reach the water now!


"Hey ma, can we get in yet?"


This cracked me up, Sandi stood there the whole time the pool was filling up


My sweet Sunny smiling for the camera!

P.S. Vicki, notice except for the calls, the rest are the ducks I got from you and your friend
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Neat pictures Keyt! It looked like the ducks were thinking....oh boy, oh boy,...can we get in yet???
Bella's home is very nice...your hubby does good work.

Glad your hens started laying again Opa. Maybe a critter tried to get in one day and stressed them?
I could use more Sundays like last Sunday! Wonderful weather!

I have a rooster looking for a new home. IS anyone out there interested in a Barnevelder Rooster. He's a very pretty boy. Under a year old, friendly, outgoing. He was raised from a chick. He's recently started crowing, and I need to find him a new home before my neighbors hate me. Please private message me if you or anyone you know might be interested in this big boy.
Hi Michiganders, Just signed on a few days ago, I have 10 chicks due to arrive May 25th. In the prep phase getting everything together before the chicks arrive. I'm very excited about my new adventure.
Gosh, Sam. That is so weird. This is the time they should be popping them out every day. Mine are doing great. Egg production has really picked up. So far this year, I got 851 eggs from 26+ chickens. One is broody, and only 1 of the 4 banties is laying right now. Getting 13-18 eggs a day lately. Don't understand getting no eggs!! Hope they start soon.
Opa mine just ended there egg strike yesterday. I think the end of the strike had something to do with the 80 degree weather and the fact I was cleaning out the fridge and pantry yesterday so they go all the "trash" from my cleaning efforts. They seemed very happy.
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