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They hatched March 22 and most of the SLW are as big as the silkies already. The BO are just a tad smaller. Fastest growing chicks I've ever had! Aracauna's aren't growing near as fast but they are just as sweet as the BO!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter Sunday
Happy Easter everyone. May your chickens reward you with an abundance of eggs, may your chicks hatch out healthy, and may all your poultry elect to poop in the yard and not the coop.
It's been a crazy weekend. One of my favorite chickens had a prolapsed Vent yesterday, thank god I work at a vet. We where able to get it to go back in... but she kept pushing and popping it back out. We had to suture her vent closed (part of the way, so she could still poop) this morning we took the sutures out, and so far so good. Send your good healing vibes to our lovely chicken Lucy.
Good luck with your hatch and unless 75% of your hatch are pullets then you will just have to sign an IOU til next time.

I just came in from gathering eggs and while I only got 3, evidently those hens ink jets are functioning a little better.

Opa, Did you hit the "Clean jets" function key on those Welsummers?
Another big boar coon decided to prowl around my chicken coops last night. Unfortunately for him the smell of smoked salmon was irresistable. He reached into the tube of the trap for some more which caused his having to hang around until I went out to check the birds this morning. Mister Browning and I taught him the error of his ways and he will not be repeating that mistake again. While I regret having to dispatch any animal, the risk to my birds of a coon hanging around requires it. I think folks would be stunned if they knew just how many coons come through their yards at night. Raccoon populations are at an all time high so I strongly suggest taking extra-ordinary measures to insure your flocks safety.
Cleaning their ink jets is a rather messy procedure requiring the assistance of a computer savvy vet with little tiny Q-tips.
But the toughest part is inserting a new ink cartridge.
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