Midget white turkeys' nesting requirements


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
We have 3 midget white turkeys that are about 6 to 7 months old. We thought we had all males, but at least 2 of them have turned out to be females. We had raised them with the idea of eating them but have gotten attached to these 2 hens in particular and have decided to keep them. They are starting to exhibit squatting behavior. I don't know much about them or their nesting requirements, laying habits, etc. Will they lay eggs even if there's no tom around, the way chickens do? Or do they have to be bred to lay eggs? Do they need special nests? I have noticed these turkey hens checking out the nesting boxes in my chickenhouse (my flock is mixed). We are prepared to build them whatever they need, so any advice from those experienced with turkeys (heritage midget whites in particular) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, all!
Love Midgets!

Turkeys will lay without a Tom, but if you want to hatch them out a Tom will take care of the fertility area.

Turkeys need a dark quite place to lay eggs. I think I heard once an 18 x 18 x18 is good for Midgets. We use old cabinets in the camper they live in with curtains to give them privacy.

Turkey eggs make the best muffins if you aren't planning to hatch.

Get them a nice nest box before they wonder off and lay some place outside. They are really tough to change laying spots once started. We had a BBW last fall that walked a mile and a half down the railroad tracks to a particular clump or grass to lay her eggs. Took me weeks to find it. We sent her to someone's house for thanksgiving, so problem solved. I got really tired of trying to stalk her.
I totally agree, once a hen goes on a walk about to find her favorite private place, there's a good chance you will not be able to change her mind. They are creatures of habit ! One of my Holland's picked a spot under a wild thorny blackberry bush last year.LOL
Must be very secure! My little stinkers are excellent escape artists. They figure things out because they are so curious about everything. That's why I just free range everything. Laughed at my hubby when he asked how I was going to keep them out of the gardens next year. It would be easier to fence the garden in than the turkeys.

Hope your girls lay you some awesome eggs!
I do have the garden fenced in, but they can fly over a 6 foot fence. Then they decided to perch a length that only had metal fence posts and chicken wire on it and broke it down !
But I still love my Turkeys!

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