
Miss Ducky

9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
Recently my small (3 ducks) flock has adopted two wild (I'm assuming) female mallards, which I have dubbed Bonnie and Clyde. The mallards have been completely accepted; my ducks won't go anywhere without them, and won't go to bed because they don't want to leave Bonnie and Clyde. As my ducks always come up to greet me, the mallards themselves are getting less scared of me everyday. Today Bonnie came with in four feet of me several times. (Usually mallards that visit our pond fly away before you can even get close to the pond!) I was just curious if anyone knew if Bonnie and Clyde will fly south for the winter, or stay with their flightless flock? Just wondering; I would love to hear if anyone knows are has any idea!
I would say if you are feeding them they will stick around.Iit is still a bit early but usually around the end of September they start to flock together to get ready for the trip but why fly away from a good thing?
I remember when we lived in the Northeast, many of the wild mallards who were fed regularly by humans did not migrate. They stuck around as the getting was too good. Made it through those long, cold winters somehow. Many Canada geese were the same.
I feed the ducks in the duck house, and I'm pretty sure that the mallards haven't been going in there or eating. However, if they begin to, and start going in at night, I won't prevent it. (But so far my ducks refuse to go inside for the night with Bonnie and Clyde there.) Thanks!

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