Mille Cochin Info'd have to ask some of the breeders here to purchase some from them. I am not sure if they sell chicks...but they do sell eggs or started birds. I bought a quad from Lynne...and they are just starting to lay eggs...I am anxious to start hatching these....
2kidsn'chickens :

Hi there! Just though I would post some pics of my new babies I hatched out April 23rd from Lynne. I had a third chipmonk striped baby hatch but was very weak and died overnight
First pic is at a few days old and the other two are today.
I am thinking that the one with white is a roo already.. lots of posturing and he's a brave one! lol. I was hoping to get a nice roo out of these eggs to go with the girls I hatched last year.
It's gonna be an exciting year!


I think you have a pair. All the chicks I have hatched out with that coloring (white/cream) have been cockerels & the dark ones have been pullets. Hey, how perfect!!!! Your older girls are lovely as well.
If you'd like to get into this breed immediately, I have an "instant" flock available. It consists of my roo, Fernando & 3 hens who are 1 1/2 yrs. old. PM me if I can help you.


Fernando & girls
It is somewhere in this thread, I believe.
It's a long process and you hatch a lot (and I mean a LOT!) of rejects so it is better to start with some already in the works like Lynne's gorgeous quad!
Ok, please help me sex these 8.5 weeks chicks.

I am so very afraid I have all cockerels...

I am also so very in love with them...

And for cyring out loud... they won't sit still for pictures. But it didn't help there was a feeding frenzy with my 20 chickens while trying to take pics

Lynne said the following were pullets based on coloring:




Lynne said the following were cockerels based on coloring:



Can you see why I am so afraid?!?! Look at these wattles on these babies!!
They are all cockerels but, I can definitely see why Lynne thought the first one was a pullet. I have NEVER seen a cockerel with the partridgey markings like that. They are always been pullets... hmm... but, that is definitely a boy

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