Mini spring clean. with pics.


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Lancaster Ohio
This is my coop 6 days ago.

this was my coop today.............

Time for a spring clean. I decided that since there was so much muck in the run and I really couldn't rake up any pine needles. I decided to use the dirty pine shaving out of the coop in the run, since I was cleaning it out anyway. I probably should not have done that but it looks healthier to walk in than the muck did. I couldn't hose everything done like I wanted to so that is why I am calling it a mini clean. Next time it will be warmer and the girls will get a good power wash to their coop.
I can't say it enough but thank you to the person who came up with the poop board idea with using sweet PDZ. on them. I love it. Makes clean up so much easier. The only con I have found to it is the cold, when it freezes you lose a lot because it freezes together making almost impossible to scoop. But made it through the winter and hoping it is done. (winter that is) a few more pics of my mini spring clean.

I leave the new shavings all piled up together and when I go out there tomorrow I hope like in the past the girls will have them spread out for me! LOL. Hey I am old and got to cut out as much work as I can! Hope you enjoyed my pics and if you don't have poo boards in your coop I highly recommend it!
Your coop looks great!!!
Thank you! My last coop was pieced and parted together came out good but a lot of mistakes were made. Trial and error and I am really pleased with this one.
It really looks good. Congratulations on your fast snow removal. The girls will love playing with the new shavings and spreading them for you. Hope your Spring lasts for you.
Oh and that isn't trash at the corner of the coop, it is bags of old litter that I used to help block the wind when we had wind chill factor here in Ohio. The girls water still froze up and some still got frost bit. But we made it through the winter. Insulating this summer! And closing the walls up.

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