Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

Good morning eggies! Time to get your grow on!

egg GIF
Day 11! I removed a few clears before work this morning from 2 of the trays, I'll try to get the rest removed this evening. I think I'll wait for this weekend to remove any quitters to be 100% sure on those, but the clears are quite obvious at this point so I'll free up the incubator space. I'm going to be setting a few more EE eggs this Saturday from Fizzy so we will be sure to have a good selection to choose our keepers from.

Here's the chocolate frizzle I'm pretty sure is a cockerel from the last hatch with breakfast all over his face 🤣

My little splash

The chick of unknown color

Bantam Ameraucana 🥰

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